Friday, September 21, 2012

{you can do it}

As I was about to start Week 4 Day 1 of my Couch to 5K program yesterday, I was mildly freaking out about running for five minutes straight... TWICE! The sequence for yesterdays run was set up to go something like this...

5 minute warm up walk
3 minute run
1.5 minute brisk walk
5 minute run
3 minute brisk walk
3 minute run
1.5 minute brisk walk
5 minute run
5 minute cool down

That dear readers was a FULL sixteen minutes of running! Was that even possible for me at this point? I mean, just the day before I was barely making it through the three minute runs! But, I soldiered on and told myself that yes, I could do this and that yes I WOULD do it!

And in Ashley fashion, I ran my heart out! I ran for the full five minutes BOTH times and I didn't die! Oh, I was close on the second five minute run, but I completed it. At this point in time, running for five minutes had me finishing just over a half mile. I ran a FULL half mile without stopping (albeit slowly), but still, it was a GREAT accomplishment for me. For someone who was not and is now slowly becoming a runner. Folks, on my drive home from clinic each day, I am craving getting out of the car, getting in the house and getting ready for my run ASAP! I know that if I do not go straight to my workout, I most likely will not fit it in for the night. I've tried morning workouts, at this point, I just cannot get myself to do it.

I think I may have over did it a bit last night. I know that my lack of proper stretching before and after my runs does have something to do with my slight soreness today. (And Ryan, if you happen to be reading this, stop shaking your head at me, haha! I can't follow ALL of the 'rules' you've so graciously passed onto me right away.) I do know that I cannot run tonight. I know that if I were, I would only be in more pain and my run would not go very smoothly. So, tonight it is strength training.

With each run, I am also becoming more confident in myself. I try to portray the gal next door who doesn't give a shit what people think about her and for the most part, I do not. You kind of have to get over it when you get pregnant in high school, lol! I joke now, but hid the pain of most of that at the time and for a long time after that. But running outside with people watching, I mean come on, what if they say something to me?! Now, just over four weeks into running, I give a patooties behind! I turn on some good tunes, at an audologist unapproved level, and just run. Run with my thoughts. Run, run, run, okay, and at this point, also walk, walk, walk! But I'm back in my groove and I have a goal in site and believe you me, I am going to rock that 5K at the end of October! Oh hell yes I will!

If I can do it, SO can you! If you want it bad enough... ANYTHING is possible!