Monday, September 17, 2012

{weekend recap}

I thought the weekends were supposed to be for recouperating from the work week?! My weekend was almost busier than my week at clinic and believe you me, we had a busy week at clinic!

On Friday, my supervisor closed the clinic down early and treated everyone to a Brewer's game. LOVE her! Everyone had a great time. I know I've mentioned it before, but I have the most awesome people to work with at my externship. Yes, I may not be getting any cochlear implant experience or seeing children every day, but I am doing TONS with hearing aids and I think that that has become my niche in audiology. I love hearing aids. Audiology is such a wide scope and can encompass many different things... I think what my 'thing' is... is hearing aids. Anyways, I headed to a Brewer's game with my supervisor, the other audiology in the office, the two office managers, and a hearing aid rep (who by the way was the most hilarious one there, she was such a hoot)!

The Brewer's had a crappy game, but we had awesome seats. To be honest, I was over the game by the second inning... watching sports is really not my thing, but I had a great time people watching and making jokes with my co-workers. We had a great supper... made better by great company!

I didn't get home until almost exactly midnight and hit the sack because I had an early morning the next day. Saturday started with an early wake up call. I was walking in a 5k with some friends. The walk was awesome, but once again, the company was even better! I got to hang with my besite, Victoria, who walked with us after being awake for over 20 hours (bless her heart), and two other high school classmates whom I have not seen in years. Great company! And the walk just made me commit to my goal of running solidify! I am totally registering for a 5k RUN at the end of October! And... I am going to RUN the whole thing! So, if you happen to be reading this... thanks again for such an awesome Saturday morning... April, Ryan, and Victoria! I also got to meet April's mom who is just the sweetest thing! I may have instantly fallen in love with her!

Saturday afternoon, Ayden and I hit up the apple orchard with my sister and her boyfriend. Got us some carmel apples which were overloaded with carmel! But damn, they were yummy! We also did our first corn maze of the year. I am a bit obsessed with corn mazes and have an unhealthy love affair with them. It has become a family tradition to do a huge corn maze close to my mom's house the last couple of years. We just recently started to do the maze in the dark with glow sticks which makes it even more fun. I was telling my sister that this year I think we need to do teams (maybe boys against girls) and race each other through. That might up the ante!

I also bought a big bag of... you guessed it... HONEY CRISP apples! Um hello, the best apples EVER! They were SO worth the price! Even after walking the 5k and then walking at the apple orchard, I ran on Saturday evening. I thought I was doing Week 2 yet which was walk two minutes, run 1.5, walk, run, etc... but I didn't look at my phone when I clicked go and ended up started Week 3 which was alternate between run 1.5, walk 2, run 3, walk 3, run 1.5, and so on. I was able to run for THREE minutes straight! Okay, so maybe that isn't that big of a deal for you, but have you tried it lately? I could barely run for one minute when I started, so running three minutes at a time was great for me!

On Sunday, Ayden and I slept in and then watched some Indiana Jones before heading to Darboy where I got some new kick ass running shoes and then got a few things at Kohls with my 30% off, courtesy of a co-worker. We got home and it was almost time for Jay's grandma's party, which he conviently reminded me of at last minute. We headed to the party. It was a surprise party for his grandma's 80th birthday and it was great to see her so happy. I didn't stay at the party for too long because I had other stuff that I wanted to get done at home, which included just a bit of down time. Didn't get much down time and stayed up too late... paying for it today.

Overall it was a good weekend though. Looking forward to another busy weekend on the horizon!