Friday, January 25, 2013

{chugging along}

Honestly, it has been one of those kind of weeks. The kind where I don't want to get up, don't want to go to work, don't want to do anything. I sort of felt like I was on the outside of my body looking in at times. I'd get to work and plaster a smile on my face and deal with my patients when all I wanted to do was go home, curl up in bed, and do nothing. My motivation for just about anything other than picking up the remote control when a commercial came on had waned. I managed one good run this week and felt good afterwards, but then didn't pound out any other miles this week and continued to shove high calorie packed junk food into my pie whole... and it went down good! I definitely love me some chocolate, almost to a fault. That's me, shove your face full of chocolate Ashley!

My last semester of school finally started and I am in no way shape or form ready to actually have to do work again. I kind of enjoyed a few weeks of knowing what the 'real' world is like. Going to work and getting home and making it family time instead of having to add school into there as well. Only now when I am done with school it will be Ayden that is getting more work that I will have to help him with. Such is life, lol! And then just when it is bound to get worse, I am going to want to add another baby (or babies) to the mix. Less than eight months until wedding day people, less than eight months! That means less than eight months until baby making time! Not that you cared to know that, but please, even though they don't shout it out every time we see them, I know those grandmas are eager for more grandbabies! Ayden can't be an only grandchild forever!

In hopes that I could gain some of my motivation back, I conned my bestie, Victoria, into being my accountability buddy. Well, I didn't really have to do much conning since she is on her own wonderful journey to health and fitness, so she secretly wanted someone to keep her on track too and even if she didn't, she's got me! I desperately needed someone that would kick me in the booty to get out and get moving again and I knew she was just the person! I'm desperate for the weather to warm up again because we have so much fun outside with our boys and neither of us are cold outside people by choice!

Speaking of the cold, I have been unable to warm up at all lately! Yesterday I literally had four shirts on at work and was STILL cold and it is not like they keep the office THAT cold! I had on a cami, a long sleeved Cuddle Dudd shirt, a dress shirt over that, and then a sweater over that AND a decorative scarf and was STILL cold! I got home and changed into comfy clothes. I put on a pair of my lined running pants specific for the cold and then a pair of fleece pj bottoms over those, and nixed the sweater for a sweatshirt, curled up on the couch with my heating blanket and two fleece blankets and it still took me over an hour to finally feel warm. As we speak, or better yet, as I type, I am currently sitting on the couch in fleece pj pants with thick winter like socks  and slippers on, a cami, different long sleeved Cuddle Dudd, and hooded sweatshirt, covered up with my heating blanket, two fleece blankets, AND a quilt and I'm finally feeling warm. And people, the thermometer in the house reads 68, so it's not as if we keep it freezing in the house. I am just ALWAYS cold! Ugh, hate it!

Why am I at home in the middle of the day? Little man is sick. Poor kiddo started with the sniffles last night and I was hoping it wouldn't get worse. He was so so this morning when we got up and part of me wondered if I should just keep him home and another part of me thought he could make it through the day. So, we left for the day. I drove in the crappy weather to work (stupid snow) and make it through my first patient before getting a call that Ayden wasn't feeling well at school. Bummer. Thankfully my boss is awesome and family comes first, so I left to come take care of my little man. We are currently cuddled up on the couch together, him playing on his iPod and sniffling his nose (he has since been doped up because he did have a fever) and I'm writing this post. Poor sick kiddos! Going to dope myself up with some Zicam because I REALLY REALLY REALLY don't want to get sick again!

The only downside to being at home today, keeping my munching on all things chocolate at bay! When I am at work I can do so well, it is when I get home that I have a problem. So far so good though!