I thought it was time to share some pictures again, since it has been a while since I've done a picture post. I haven't gotten my 'good' camera out in quite a while and tend to use the camera on my phone quite a bit and document my life via instagram a lot. Because I am not using my laptop to blog and typically use just the tablet these days, adding pictures becomes somewhat of a chore... so therefor now I am adding some pictures for you of what life has been like around here lately. Okay I lie, they are mostly just pictures of me because I am a picture hog, lol!
To start the lovely picture journey... here is a selfie + almost hubby picture... ain't we one cute looking couple?! And the almost hubby has an actual smile on his face and not a fake get away from me one or a scowl. Must have caught him in a good mood that day.Next... how about a selfie + bestie picture. Notice a theme yet... I love scarves! I wear a scarf almost EVERY day these days and I love it. The bestie in this picture (as if you didn't already know and/or couldn't already guess because her name appears in almost every blog post these days) is Victoria and we are wearing our matching hats that my amazeballs crocheting cousin Amanda made for us. Super cute, right?! Yeah, that is what I thought. I meant the hats, not the girls, lol, okay, maybe I meant both!
If we continue on with this lovely picture journey, it's another almost selfie as my face doesn't make an appearance in this picture, but my awesome 'guns' do. Oh how I am loving the effect dreaded push-ups are having on my biceps. I thought my arms were looking good back in September... September didn't have nothing on these! That there my friends is some serious definition going on (at least for me)! LOVE it! Hate push ups, but LOVIN' the arms! Just more motivation to keep it up, that is for sure!
Just a regular selfie in the bathroom mirror here, but I was liking how I looked that day. On days I think I look good I take pictures of myself, lol! And... another scarf! I seriously love this scarf and am SO glad that I decided to get it. Have I perfected the picture in the mirror pose yet?!
No, not yet?! Mm'kay... let's try again! Here is a full body shot in the mirror on another feelin' good day. This was a feel good day because those purple skinny jeans, they are a size 5 my friends, a size 5. These child bearing hips fit into a size 5 and comfortable, no muffin top allowed. Plus, donnin' another cool looking scarf like non other. This girl can pull of a scarf! Lol! If you haven't already noticed, I am in a wacked up crazy mood and normally am not so all about me. (Well maybe I am, but please don't actually tell me that to my face, haha!)
Still kickin' it on the workout train these days! May not be every day, but I'm doing pretty well. Running on the treadmill is definitely not the most fun thing in the world, but when it comes down to that because of the crappy snowy cold ass weather we have been having, a little Beverly Hills 90210 helps make the time pass a little bit faster.
And last but not least, what post would be complete without some love from the little man! Isn't he just a doll?! Love him to death, especially when he enjoys being in pictures with me!
A 'real' post coming soon!
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