I’m sitting here on campus, on this glorious Thursday afternoon (because believe me, even though you can feel the humidity rising, it is a glorious day because the sun is out for the first time in what seems like weeks and the sky is blue)! And… I’m stuck on campus. Argh!
I have hearing aid duty today and clinic. I have two things sitting on my desk that need to be ‘fixed’, however, Katie (who has clinic right now) is logged into the computer that I need and thus, I cannot do what I need to get done. That’s okay though, because she should be done with her clinic slot just about any time now (well actually 13 minute ago, but her supervisor tends to talk a lot and go long) and then she can log off for me to get my stuff done.
Two of my four appointments cancelled on me today. But that is okay because they rescheduled with me for next week and I have hearing aid duty stuff that will fill in for the time I will miss. In the mean time, I have finished all of the paper work that I needed to and asked all of the questions that I needed to and I am stuck waiting on Katie. What better time to blog and NOT read my occupational audiology assignment that is sitting open next to me.
We have our first online discussion/chat tonight. I’m interested in seeing how it is going to go. One of the students that was supposed to be going into his third year this fall, will be joining our class since he took this last year off due to some personal reasons. I’m just glad that he is not back here in Point with us, but instead at the Madison campus.
Ayden and I kept pretty busy yesterday afternoon. Tuesday was a rough afternoon for us since it was raining out and we couldn’t go outside. I think that Ayden and I were both getting on each others nerves and watching too much TV so I decided that on Wednesday afternoon we were going to do some fun stuff after I picked him up.
When we got home, we both had lunch. After that we took a walk to his summer school/new school where he will be going until we up and move again (possibly in two years), so for at least first and second grade. Anyways, I had called the bus company earlier in the day because I wanted to know what bus Ayden was going to be riding to summer school since he didn’t come home with a slip like I had anticipated he would. The nice lady on the phone informed me that we lived within the walking zone to his school and that he would not be getting picked up by the bus, but would be considered a walker and that there would be a crossing guard. What?! Excuse me?! Do you not know that my child is five years old and WILL NOT be walking to school by himself.
I don’t care that we live only like three blocks away from the school, the blocks that he would have to walk alone are not blocks that I want him walking alone. No siree bob, not going to happen! So, we walked to his school so I could time out how long it would take if we both walked and/or his babysitter would be walking to pick him up. In case you cared, it took just over ten minutes and that was walking at a leisurely pace. After getting there, we played on the playground equipment for a while and then headed back home.
Once we got home, I decided that we needed to make a Walmart run. I needed to get my dad’s Father’s Day gift and I wanted to get a cake mix so Ayden and I could make some cupcakes. Unfortunately, I just assumed that we had enough cupcake holders at home to make them. We had 12 cupcake holders left so I made 12 cupcakes and a small cake. To make them fun, we added food coloring to the batter and made rainbow colored cupcakes and cake. Oh so yummy! Ayden took the cupcakes with him today to his babysitter’s house to share for dessert after lunch since he will be there all day while both Jay and I were at work and me and clinic then this afternoon. Take a look… don’t they look yummy! We were going to do some sprinkles as well, but we waited too long to put those on and the frosting got hard and the sprinkles wouldn’t stick.
After the cupcakes, it was time to paint some flower pots. We have some flower seeds left over from a wedding that we went to and I want to plant them so while we were at Walmart, Ayden and I picked up four pots to paint. Unfortunately, he dropped two on the floor at home and only one could be saved. Here are our creations… can you tell who painted which one?!
And our broken pot that was able to be salvaged. It wasn’t broken all the way through so I just added some super glue in hopes that it wouldn’t break further. It was drying while we painted so this one still needs some decoration!
Then… Ayden and I headed outside where it was time to make use of some of the scrap wood that we had laying around in the garage. Ayden got creative and decided to make an airplane. I managed to hammer most of the nails in rather straight, and Ayden even gave it a shot for a few of them. Thankfully neither of us smashed our fingers with the hammer. I was pretty careful about that because believe me… when you do that… it hurts! Lol! Not that I would know or anything. Nope, I’ve never accidently smashed my finger with a hammer before. And then we when we were done putting it together, Ayden took it inside and painted it all sorts of different colors. I think it turned out pretty cool!
And here is a picture of the wall with all of the toys that are going to leave our house somehow. Haven’t quite decided what method that will be by yet.
Ayden and I also helped do some landscaping work yesterday. Jay is in the process of taking out all of the lava rock that was in the front ‘beds’ of the house and putting in some pea gravel like stones. I mean who likes lava rock these days?! I don’t know… I don’t care, but I do know that what we are doing now looks better than it did before. So, Ayden and I got down and dirty and helped pull out some stone and dang if it didn’t take a lot more work and effort than I thought it was going to, lol! And we haven’t even gotten it all out yet. Here is a picture of what we (and by we, I mean mostly me) managed to get out yesterday. There are still some rocks behind the bushes and tree, but not too much left. Definitely saved Jay some work!
And because I can’t get enough of our lilies that are blooming, I took a few more pictures of them to share with you too! Last night there were two, almost three fully bloomed, and this morning Jay said that there were four now! Can’t wait to get home and see them!
Here’s the same shot, only with different exposure settings. I love playing with my camera…
Ayden and Daddy working in the garage together. It is a lot cleaner now than it was a few days ago. I had my go at it again. There are still a few boxes that Jay needs to go through of tools and junk from when we moved, but will he… probably not. Oh well, at least I can park my car in there now and not worry about running over anything or hitting anything when I opened my door.
And here are just some pictures that I took around our house last night while Ayden and Jay were working on putting some of the new gravel in the ‘beds’ out front and edited using Lightroom (my favorite obsession)! Enjoy!
And now… almost an hour after she should have been done… I am going to see if Katie is logged off of the computer that I need to use.
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