I had a dentist appointment yesterday afternoon to which I had to bring Ayden along to. I suppose I didn't HAVE to bring him since I could have seen if one of his regular babysitters could watch him for the hour, but I took him with me to my last cleaning and he was SO good that I didn't think anything of it this time. That... and it was easier than ironing out a babysitter and all of those details, especially for just an hour. And the hygienist at the dentist were SO good about it last time and nice.
I took my little well behaved son to the dentist yesterday and the kid just wouldn't SHUT UP! He WAS really good pretty much all afternoon yesterday (which made up for his sour attitude when I dropped him off at school that morning), but I just couldn't believe where Mr. Chatterbox came from! I'm so used to Ayden being very shy around new people. He's definitely come out of his shell this past year and I contribute a lot of that to kindergarten and making new friends, but for the most part, he is still relatively shy around new people. He'll answer questions here and there, but usually with only one word or just a short phrase.
Apparently he got rid of that shyness completely (according to Ayden it was exactly two months ago while he was still in kindergarten, haha, loved that answer!) because I could hardly keep the child quiet for one minute while the hygienist was cleaning my teeth! At everything she would do to my teeth, Ayden would have a comment about what how his dentist does it. Btw, Ayden and I do not go to the same dentist. He goes to a special pediatric dentist. And then he started talking about the caps he has on his teeth and it was all I could do to get him to be quiet. Of course he doesn't understand, but the last thing I wanted him talking about was how he had four 'gold' teeth as he calls them on his teeth because of all the cavities he had at his first dentist appointment. Just what I wanted him to be talking about, how horrible his teeth were and that his mom let them get that bad before taking him in. That’s right, haha! Of course my hygienist didn’t say anything, she was so nice and accommodating for Ayden. It was great! I just couldn’t believe how talkative my little guy was!
Here are a few pictures from while we were out on the boat this past Sunday. It did manage to stop raining for a little while and I got some cute ones.
Ayden trying to catch some fish! Unsuccessful… although Steven did manage to snag two small ones. Definitely didn’t make Ayden very happy as then he thought he could use the same stuff as Steven and get some fish!
I was out on the boat too! See! Although… my legs and feet really don’t look this tan/dirty, it is just the editing that I did to the picture.
My honeykins!!! He doesn’t like his picture taken, but I think we have already established that, haha!
Ayden was not very happy when we decided that we were done fishing and that he wasn’t going to be able to try what Steven was doing to catch some fish. He had quite the melt down, but it was starting to become a long day for him and he would have benefited from a good nap that day!
And wouldn’t you know, a whole probably ten minutes later here he is with a smile on his face! How great is that?! All sorts of moods.
I have a few new flowers making their home at our place now and I couldn’t resist taking some pictures of them. I really love lilies (like you couldn’t tell) so I just had to take some pictures. I’ve taken only a bazillion this summer so far!
Tonight was GIRLS NIGHT
OUT IN at my place tonight! Here are two pictures of me and my besties!!! There’s me, Leah (who is currently 34 weeks pregnant with identical twin girls- doesn’t she look fabulous?!), Kristi, and Robin! Love my girls! They’ve made living in Point all that much better, not that I didn’t like it before I met them, but they are all so wonderful! Ooohh and I got to feel the babies moving and groovin’ in Leah’s belly… totally took me back about six years when I was pregnant with Ayden and made me crave that feeling all that much more. Like I don’t already have baby fever! Can’t wait to meet her little girls in the coming weeks! While us mommies were chatting it up upstairs, Ayden, Seth (Leah’s little guy) and Lily (Kristi’s little girl) were making a mess in the basement! They get along SO well and played SO great tonight! It was nice to just sit and catch up for a few hours! I’ll say it again… love my girls!
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