Have I created a cleaning frenzy?! As I sit here and type this… Jay is on his hands and knees washing the kitchen floor (we have a mop, but he is adamant about getting some stubborn spots off that I would have totally just washed over and left) and Ayden is vacuuming our entry way. Wowsers! That is all I can say! This NEVER happens at my house! Although, I think I might have started it. I started the laundry, swept the bathroom basement, cleaned the bedroom, and swept the kitchen already… maybe it rubbed off on them too! Just a minute ago Ayden wanted to sweep the entry way, but I wouldn’t let him because it would have created more work for me so he asked if he could vacuum it and I said yes. As he was getting the vacuum out, he said ‘You have to remember that I’m part of this family too, and need to clean’. Okay, maybe not those exact words, but it was something pretty similar and just as funny! Whatever works, right?!
Ayden had a successful first week at school! I was proud of him! Me… not so much, and I didn’t even start classes yet! I already feel pretty overwhelmed and it sucks! I don’t know why I thought I’d have a pretty easy schedule this semester and not have all of this extra crap to work in, but I do and it sucks. Already two professors have asked me and another girl to fill in for them for a class period and then one of those professors asked about another class period this coming week. Not only that, but I have to make a slot for big clinic meetings on a semi weekly basis, make a slot for little clinic meetings on a weekly basis, make a slot to help with labs on a semi weekly basis, along with anything else they think we should help with. Its nuts I tell you, just plain nuts!!! I am SO not ready for class to start! I have clinic on Tuesday and I am ready for that, despite the fact that I have the supervisor I didn’t want and a first year to mentor. I like seeing patients and having new experiences, it is fun. And it is a good thing I am saying that, right, because I’m going to be doing this forever!
One of my professors has already taken away the time that I was going to use for my zumba class, well for two class periods that were offered at the YMCA. I can hopefully still make it on Tuesday nights.
I watched my friend Kristi’s two girls this week for a night. She had to work and couldn’t find anyone to take her spot, they wouldn’t give her off, and her hubby had his first class of the semester that night and couldn’t miss it. It went great! Definitely gave me a new respect for parent’s of multiple children. Obviously I know that one is easier than two, and two probably easier than three, but really, props to moms of multiple children!
We had a great time though! I pulled the two girls (Lily, 4 and Leila, 16 months) in a wagon to Ayden’s school to pick him up. The rain stayed away which was nice because it was much easier to walk with all of them than to drive and deal with carseats and bad weather… that and finding a parking spot and unloading and loading the kiddos back up. Once we got back to our house, Ayden and Lily had at it! They played SO great together! Ayden showed Lily his Nintendo DS and they played that for a good portion of the night while I occupied Leila. She is so adorable!
Here are a few pictures from the night… I couldn’t have the kiddos over and not take any, hehe!
Leila giving Diesel a kissy! Poor cat spent the better part of the night running from Ayden and Lily!Ayden showing Lily how to play the game. I think he has a bit of a crush, hehe! Because after they left he said that he wished he could see Lily more often! Too cute!
Lily was pretty entranced in the game! It was an easy animal game that even she could sort of play! Ayden had a great time teaching her!
Like I said, definitely harder with three than with one, especially since they weren’t my kiddos and I wanted to make sure they were okay at all times. Neither girl had separation anxiety which was good. Lily knows Ayden so I didn’t think she would have a problem, but Leila hasn’t seen either of us all that often so I wasn’t too sure how she would be. She did great, but I think having Lily around helped too!
The hardest part was making supper and getting everything set and making sure Leila was doing okay as well. We aren’t exactly baby proof around here anymore and I made Ayden and Lily pick up all of the lego so she wouldn’t put anything in her mouth. But we managed and it turned out great! Definitely made me rethink having more kiddos right at this moment and want to put them off until after grad school even more… at least for now. That could always change.
Labor Day weekend means that we were up in Rhinelander at Jay’s great aunt’s house on the river. The weather was kind of crappy, a little rainy and much colder than I would have liked, but nothing we can do about that. We were able to get outside for the majority of it, so that was good. It was a GREAT weekend overall though! Ayden and his cousin (by some sort of relation, haha) Baden played together ALL weekend and not once did I hear them fight! I’m sure they squabbled a bit here and there, but nothing that led to tears. And Jay took Ayden golfing with them on Saturday morning and they were gone for that majority of that day. Jay’s aunt who recently had a baby came up and I got my baby time in for a little while as well. We even got out on the pontoon boat for a ride yesterday, even though it was a little colder than I would have liked.
Here are a few pictures that I took of Jay’s younger cousin while on the boat!
He would not let go of the fishing pole his mommy had found for him. It was so cute!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE his little smile! He is literally one of the cutest kids that I’ve seen! And his disposition is just so cute too! His mommy is having another baby in a few months and I can’t wait to see if its a girl or boy! One things for sure… her and her hubby make adorable kids!
And now we are back home enjoying one last day off before the grind actually starts. Bummer school! I’m thinking that Jay really really likes the fact that he isn’t having to get ready for class right about now. I’d much rather get up for work tomorrow, go in for a few hours, then come home and spend the afternoon with Ayden, like we did all summer long. Per usual, where did the summer go?
I was going back and looking at some old posts earlier today and I can’t believe that I’ve been blogging for as long as I have. Almost two and a half years now, that is a LONG time for me considering I didn’t think it would last more than a few weeks or months. But I really do love writing and getting my thoughts and feelings out and am so glad that I picked the whole ‘journaling’ thing back up since I kept a journal all through high school and then gave it up shortly after Ayden was born. It feels good to write again, even if what I do write on here isn’t as personal as it may be if I was writing something that people weren’t reading. I still vent about things a lot and it helps.
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