Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Back at the Grind...

Today was my first day back to clinic... and this time I'm the second year student. It is still weird to call myself that. I was pretty nervous about clinic last night, and then this morning before I left for school. But something must have kicked in once I got to school because the nerves went completely away. I don't know if it was the fact that I was back doing something I love, or the fact that I had a lot to get done before the actual appointments started and I was teaching my first year stuff, but yeah, the nerves went completely away.

I was definitely most nervous about how my supervisor would react to things, but he was great today. I can only hope that he doesn't judge me on everything I did not up to par too horribly at our meeting on Thursday. I'm hoping not... and I don't think that I did anything too wrong today. Of course there are always areas that I can improve upon, who doesn't have those, and especially being that I am only a second year student, its not like I've been doing this forever like he has. Overall though, it was a really good morning. My first year kept saying how great and fun and exciting it was. Woah! I was totally overwhelmed during my first clinic session as a first year. Definitely glad that she is enjoying herself though! I even was able to have to help me with some of the tasks as well which shortened the amount of time that I needed to spend afterwards working on stuff quite a bit. Oh yeah! Still not in on this whole sharing a desk thing and having the grad room be uber loud ALL of the time when there are a TON of students in it! I miss my quiet grad room! And then realized that it probably isn't going to be quiet at all since even if some of the first years move to the other grad room when the second year speech students leave in the spring, there aren't enough desks in there for everyone to have their own and then what, half go and half stay! Ugh again! I WILL get my own desk come spring, you better believe it! Lol!

The weather today is craptastic! Seriously... super windy and cold! Are we in November already?! Please tell me no! Jay said that the farmer's almanac stated that this year is going to be crazy for snow! Bigger ugh! I mean, come on! I hate the snow and don't even want to be thinking about it right now!

I redesigned my blog last night… time for a change and I really like how it turned out. I have it down to a few simple changes that I need to make each time I am remaking it and that is all it takes. Although, I didn’t get the one thing to change and I don’t know how to do that. Oh well, everything else worked the way that I wanted it to so that is good.

I made some really good spaghetti for supper! Yum-o! I was starving by the time I got home from school and so we had supper earlier than normal tonight and I even cleaned it up for Jay. That doesn’t happen very often, lol! I’m all for making him do the dishes since I take care of the laundry.

I started reading my balance textbook this afternoon and I can’t understand one word in it! So confused! It is going to be a LONG semester if I can’t even understand the first page. Totally ugh! Totally hate it! And now I need to go read the stuff for research… hoping it is a lot easier than balance! Would much rather be reading a book for fun and drinking a milk shake or eating a big bowl of ice cream! Craving some chocolate!