Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wordfull Wednesday

Working on a very sssslllooowww project at work and the 'best' part about it is that I can't even speed it up because I have to wait for the computer to download the information that I need each time I'm done looking something up. SO much fun! But it leaves me a little time to do some blogging, which I don't really get a lot of time for these days. I feel like I want to just sit down and blog blog blog because I really enjoy writing all of the time and getting what's been going on and happening in my life down on paper (or type on the computer screen) does seem to help me a little bit. My schedule just keeps me going going going throughout the day though, that when I end up getting home at the end of the night and do sit down for a little bit I am in the mood to do nothing other than sit and vegge out in front of the TV for an hour before going to bed. I do love me some TV time at the end of the day to relax.

And right now I'm in the process of creating a Facebook fan page for my photography. I'm calling it Frozen Moments Photography. I'm not officially going into business or anything, but I thought it was time to maybe move the pictures that I take for people off of my personal page and put them onto a page themselves. However, I've also decided that all of the pictures that I want to put up on the photography page should be watermarked/copyrighted and in order to do that I need to open all of the pictures, add the watermark, and resave each picture individually. It takes quite a bit of time, especially since I have probably over 300 pictures I want to do it too. But it will be worth it I think since there are quite a few people that I've taken pictures for so far. I'm definitely open to taking more pictures for people, but I'm not really putting myself out there to make a living off of it. I don't think I am anywhere near THAT good. I just love to take pictures that people love! Mine definitely aren't as good as the ones that are taken by those who do this for a living and have the best lighting equipment and the years upon years of knowledge, but I tend to like most of the pictures that I take, although I know I'm biased. Haha!

Off to the clinic now…