I’ve been bumming these past few days. I blame it on PMS (yeah, I know… you probably didn’t want to hear that, but who cares?) Not really feeling myself, not a whole lot to do, and really just wanting a more structured schedule to start. I’ve been feeling pretty distant from Jay lately, but it’s mostly my fault because I haven’t been in the best mood. And also, I’ve been feeling very distant from one of my closest friends for the last couple of months.
It didn’t really bother me at first, I removed myself emotionally from the whole situation for a while, but its hard to keep up. I ‘lost’ a very close friend last summer. And by ‘lost’, I don’t mean that they passed away, just that due to some extenuating complicated drama filled circumstances, we do not speak anymore. It was nothing to do on my end because if I had anything to do with it, we would still be in touch. However, I don’t have control over that and we haven’t spoken in over a year. It was pretty difficult at first not having that someone I was used to confiding in around, but slowly it got easier and I got over it. I don’t know that I’ll ever completely be over it though.
And now it seems like I am going through that same thing with another person. Although, this time I do have a part in whether or not we keep in touch. I know I could be more proactive about it, but I do not like confrontation, I avoid it, let things build, and then suffer the outburst. In any case, it feels like I was replaced in this friendship with someone else. I used to be the ‘go to’ person and now said friend doesn’t even care enough to keep me updated on their life. Said friend has been my closest confidant for years and they can’t even wish Ayden a happy birthday. Not that they needed to, but its the thought that counts. I don’t know, it just bugs me. I need to get over it… maybe our ‘time’ has come and we’ve run the course meant to be in each others’ lives. Who knows?!
I’ve also been a bit bitter towards Jay and his job this week too. He finally got a small raise at work and although it is better than nothing, it bugs me that it wasn’t more because they all know he deserves more, and that he didn’t push for more. This stems from the fact that we got his repayment schedule in the mail for his student loans and its too much and I got sort of freaked out and his small raise will not help with those impending extra costs. And then I get bitter because he’s not more proactive about his future and that $50,000 later, he got a diploma that’s worth nothing and maybe he shouldn’t have even gone to college. I know I shouldn’t be bitter or think bad thoughts, I’m working on it, really.
Today was better than yesterday though! Ayden started first grade today! My baby is in first grade! :( Just a little sad! Okay, a lot sad! I can’t believe it, but it’s here!
Here he is getting ready to leave for school! We live too close to his new school so he will not be riding the bus this year, which is good and bad, but mostly just okay! Don’t worry, we didn’t forget his shoes!He wanted me to get a shot of his backpack too! He loves it and it was on sale, thus the reason I ‘gave in’ and got it for him!
Here he is walking to the school. I told him to walk in front of me so i could take some pictures of him. He obliged! Thanks little dude!
Here we are on the playground. He wanted to go play and I wanted to take more pictures of him, guess who won? Lol! I was expecting more of a ‘scene’ and that he wouldn’t want me to leave, but that is okay I guess. Apparently they line up before they go in and he didn’t know what line to get in and had to ask someone for help. At least I didn’t get a call that he was crying and lost!
Turns out that Ayden had a pretty good day at school. He said that he didn’t even have to do any hard writing which he was happy about. I went over and over with him what he was supposed to do at the end of the day, however, apparently that wasn’t enough because my dear son almost ended up on a bus. And from before… he doesn’t ride a bus this year. Which would have meant that he’d have been riding some bus all afternoon and I wouldn’t have known!
But, that wasn’t the only thing that went wrong at the end of the day. Ayden supposed to attend the Great Escape after school program run through the Y at his school this afternoon. When I went to go pick him up from that, he wasn’t in the room, in fact, he wasn’t even signed up for today! What in the world?! I had double checked with the Y over two weeks ago that his schedule was set and the right days were chosen. And apparently they still f*ed it up!
After leaving that room and having no idea where my son was (because he wasn’t in his classroom or with the Y kids), I was starting to panic a little bit. I just happened to look at the kids who were sitting in the bus line and saw Ayden. Thank goodness!!! I don’t know if it was mother’s intuition or just good timing, but I was lucky I left the house when I did. Because I thought he would be with the Y kids, I could have left him at school a little later, but since I had gotten done early with my school stuff, I was able to get there shortly after school got out. My plan was for him to get checked in with the Great Escape teachers and then for me to pick him up shortly there after. If I was even ten minutes later he would have been on a bus to who knows where?
So, on our walk home I called the Y and left a strongly worded voicemail for the people. They called me back and we got everything sorted out. Turns out it was their fault and that I was right and now everything is actually the way it should be. Ugh, I was and still am a little bit irate with them. They screwed up, and I know it happens, but its the momma bear in me coming out.
What actually happened was that Ayden was confused and didn’t know where he was supposed to go and just followed the kids to the bus line and thought he was supposed to be there. I guess it didn’t matter how many times I tried to make sure he knew what he was supposed to do after school, it just wasn’t enough. We have it all figured out now and I WILL make sure he knows what to do tomorrow when I drop him off because we will not have a repeat of today! Overall though, he had a great first day at first grade which I am happy about!
And me… I worked this morning and spent the afternoon at school helping with the new student orientation. I got to meet the new audiology grad students. It feels so good to not be the new students and I think that us second years and third years are pretty close which is cool and that the first years will do good. I found out who my first year student is and I hope that it will go well with her. She seemed to be the most talkative today and I’m not so sure that is a good thing, although I’m sure we will find out soon enough. But I’m not sharing a desk with her, so who knows?!
Tomorrow is another day and after dropping Ayden off at school, I’ll be heading to work, and then its off to the campus for some pre reports and a meeting. Class hasn’t even officially started yet and already two professors have asked me and another student to teach a class for them because they will be gone. Not what I call fun, lol! Although both classes should be pretty easy to teach.
One of my mommy friends and I took a Zumba class on Monday. Zumba (if you haven’t heard of it) is an aerobic dance class type thing. Lots of different type of music with lots of different types of dance steps. It was SO much fun! I am not very athletically inclined and have trouble following people’s steps on work out things. I have two videos in the basement that have been used a total of two times because I’m horrible at following along. Well, even though I didn’t get all of the steps that we did, I didn’t feel like a complete idiot because my friend was there with me having just as much trouble and it was just fun! Plus it also helped that the person in front of me seemed to know what she was doing pretty well so I just followed her steps and did half way decent. We were totally covered in sweat by the end. Totally not attractive and the increased activity had me up until almost midnight (the class was from 6:30-7:30), but it was fun! We didn’t go yesterday and aren’t going tomorrow because my friend can’t make it and I don’t want to go alone, but have a date set up for next Tuesday and I can’t wait! Fun times!
Hoping tomorrow is another great day, although the weather is supposed to be pretty rainy! I’m watching my friend’s two daughters for a few hours while she works and her hubby has a night class. They scheduled her to work and she couldn’t get off or find a replacement and its her hubby’s first class of the semester and he can’t miss it. I’m excited because the girls are adorable and Ayden and Lily play so well together!
And then Friday its down to Madison for orientation and up north for the weekend!
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