Friday, September 17, 2010

Running, running, running!!!

My first full week back on campus was craptastic this week! I didn't get home before almost 7pm Monday, Tuesday, AND Wednesday! That is TWO too many days for me! That SHOULD only be happening on Monday's when I have class until 6:40pm. Not the case this week though. :( And I was getting really frustrated with it. Long days on campus with WAY too much floating around in my head lead to bad moods by the time I get home and that isn't good for myself, Jay, or Ayden because it usually means that I am taking it out on one or both of them. And I think my bad moods sort of rubbed off on Jay this week too because I could tell that his patience with Ayden was running short. And then to top things off, my car needs a new muffler, my computer broke, and I have WAY too much stuff to do and definitely not enough time to do it.

Trying to look on the bright side of things a little bit... my car muffler wasn't outrageously expensive to replace. Under $100... Jay just needs to put it on now. My computer itself still works, it is one of the hinges on the laptop that is broken. Because of the broken hinge, however, I can no longer close my computer which means I can no longer take it to school. I need to contact Dell yet and see what they can do for it. I don't really want to go without a computer for a few weeks, but I really like taking my computer to school so I'll have to do something about it... Better sooner than later I guess and definitely better to have something cosmetically broken than something internally broken. Although I did find a virus on my computer last night by doing a spyware/virus sweep. I redid the sweep two times afterwards to make sure it was gone and it was. I just don't like seeing 'virus' pop up on my computer. But who does?!

As if that isn't enough, apparently I need to be starting and finishing all of my assignments ASAP. Wait, that is supposed to be how it is, right?! Lol! I've definitely been lazy when it comes to the homework front and reading for class. I have to say that on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday night, by the time I got home all I wanted to do was spend time with my little guy before he had to go to bed and then relax myself before dropping into bed. It wouldn't be horrible getting home at 7pm every night... IF... IF... IF... I didn't have 70 pages of reading and 6000 mini assignments to worry about. And this week I had literally NO down time during the day. If I wasn't in class, I was in lab. If I wasn't in lab, I was in clinic. If I wasn't in clinic, I was writing reports. If I wasn't writing reports, I was at work. If I wasn't at work, I was fixing hearing aids, fitting in more lab, doing stuff for people because I'm nice, pulling my hair about holding tears back! But no, at the end of the day, I'm still not even close to being done with what I need to get done. I've decided that our specific graduate program IS NOT structured for anyone other than your average student who is rich and doesn't need a job and has NO one waiting for them at home, not even a boyfriend or husband or best friend. They are a loner expected to be on campus ALL day long with nothing else going on in there life. Because let me tell you, the second you attempt to hold a job, even if only for 10 or so hours a week like myself, even if you have a boyfriend, hubby, or child at home, they want you to put school first. THAT'S CRAPTASTIC when you are like me! Even more craptastic when you are like my classmate who has four kids at home! As you can probably tell... I'm pretty bitter about this week still, hoping next week goes better!

My Thursday was a little better. I was home by 1pm, after a morning meeting that was WAY too long because my stupid supervisor didn't edit my reports before the meeting, but instead waited to read them during the meeting so I spent a good 10 minutes just watching him edit them. Ugh, seriously! I was a little peeved about that. Our meeting could have been 10 minutes shorter which in turn would have given me time to do my pre reports for next week yesterday and not have to fit them in today. I couldn't fit them in yesterday while I was there because my meter was up and I had to go to work. I worked for a few hours and then headed back to the clinic for a quick phone call to a client and fill out a little paperwork before heading to Walmart to pick up a few things for this weekend and then I stopped at Taco Bell for lunch and brought it home. I wanted to try their new Flatbread Chicken sandwiches and was in need of a strawberry frutista. The flatbread sandwiches were a little spicier than I would have liked, but still relatively yummy for only 99 cents and the frutista HIT THE SPOT! Yum-o!

I then spent the majority of my afternoon doing laundry, picking up around the house a little bit and finishing up an assignment that is due on Monday that I will have no time for this weekend. I also babysat for my friend's daughters again yesterday late afternoon until night time because her hubby had his class and she was scheduled to work again. I love watching those kiddos, but unfortunately on our walk to go pick up Ayden from school we lost one of the Leila's blankets. Thankfully she didn't have a favorite and it wasn't anything bigger than a small baby receiving blanket. I just couldn't believe that I lost it since I kept looking back to make sure we didn't lose anything and I did manage to catch that she threw her hat out so yeah, I was bummed about that, but her parent's didn't care.

Ayden and Lily (the four year old) ran around the whole time the girls were over. They play SO well together! And Leila (the 15 month old) and I hung out. Leila does not like Jay very much so when he got home from work, she clung to me like a monkey. It was funny! She is SO adorable and cuddling with her was totally fine with me. Definitely got my baby fever going though! These girls belong to my zumba momma buddy! We zumba'd it up again this week! I don't think I was working hard enough because I didn't sweat as bad as last time (although the air conditioning in the room was working this time and not last time), so we think we might stick around after zumba and hit up the cardio class as well next week. Zumba is WAY fun though!

…and because I have to go pick Ayden up from school right now… I gotta run (again)!