Saturday, November 13, 2010

Aryssa’s One Year Pictures

My cousin Amy’s (over at daughter, Aryssa just turned one a few weeks ago and I begged my cousin to let me take some pictures of Aryssa with some of the new props that I got and here are some of the super cute ones we got!!!IMG_2874IMG_2909-3IMG_2912IMG_2918IMG_2936IMG_2939IMG_2954IMG_2983I absolutely love the picture above this! I know it may not be everyone’s taste, but I think it is just so cute!IMG_2990IMG_3009IMG_3037IMG_3057IMG_3061CIAO! LOVE ME!


agk11808 said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE! these ones look so great!!!! how is it that you and amanda have such great talent and i have none! lol thanks again!