Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Hocus Pocus

Written on Sunday…

I’m sitting on the couch with my heating blanket watching Hocus Pocus. All alone tonight, and have been for the majority of the day. Happy to say that I was mildly productive today being home alone compared to earlier this week when I have a few hours to myself.

Last night was my grandparent’s 50th wedding anniversary party. It was a good time. We got there just as everyone was sitting down to eat. Food was typical banquet style food, nothing too fabulous, but not horrible either. We were supposed to get Grandma Hoerth cake, because she did make it, but apparently my grandparents didn’t want to cut the cake there, but the next day at their house. Um, okay. So, I didn’t get any Grandma Hoerth cake (or any dessert for that matter because the banquet place had made carrot cake- ick!).

The DJ was pretty good… Ayden rocked up the dance floor! I couldn’t believe that he got out there like he did and was dancing around. Maybe it was the mountain dew that he had had before the dancing started or maybe he is coming out of his shell a little bit because he was SO unshy which is definitely not like him! I wish I would have got some of it on video because it was SO cute and funny! My little rocker dude!

I left to come back home this morning so I could take an online quiz and work on some other stuff. Jay and Ayden stayed at ‘home’ to do some hunting. Well, Jay is doing the hunting, Ayden is doing the playing.

Jay’s parents are so great to keep Ayden and watch him while I come back home and Jay is out hunting. They totally don’t have to. And they are even greater because on Friday, Jay’s mom drove all the way to our house to pick up Ayden and take him all the way back to her house because I was the dumb mom who forgot to sign her kid up for ‘daycare’ on his day off from school. Okay, so I didn’t sign him up because I knew I don’t have class on Fridays and we were going to save money by that, but I was dumb and forgot I didn’t sign him up and already had other stuff to do on campus. So… thanks to grandma’s who drive an hour and a half one way to pick up their grandbabies for the day!

Written on Tuesday…

Remember that quiz I told you I needed to take on Sunday, well, totally FAILED IT! And, I don’t fail quizzes! I was SUPER upset that I did as bad as I did. I can, and will, use the excuse that the quiz was 13 questions long and we were only given 20 minutes to take it. Although it was a multiple choice question, we could only see one question at a time and had to answer it before going on to the next question and once we answered the question, we could not go back to it. Thus, less than two minutes per question. And these questions, they were not very easy. I mean, apparently since I did so horrible. There were a few calculations and although I got the correct number for the calculation, I picked the wrong ear for it, and you want to know why, because I was rushing because I didn’t want to run out of time and then not have enough time to answer the last questions. I rushed through the whole quiz. My only solace is the fact that these quizzes are not worth a whole lot of our final grade (at least I hope not).

I’ve created a to do list for the end of the semester and it currently has twelve things on it. I know that I will need to add probably another ten more before the end of the semester, but tonight I was able to cross two of the items off of the list. I also know that many of the items on the list will require more than just a little bit of work, but it gives me a good idea of what I need to accomplish yet this semester.

I had clinic today and I had karma come kick me in the butt. We had such a good clinic slot last week that of course we’d have the one from down under this week. Both appointments did not go as expected and I got out of there later than I would have liked. Not looking forward to the critique from my professor later this week, but oh well. Another week over with I guess. Have to see both of these patients over… one next week and one the following week. Hoping both repeat appointments go better than today, but not going to get my hopes up because then they won’t, they’d probably go worse, haha! My luck!

Ready for the weekend already!