Friday, November 19, 2010

Test Procrastination

I’m writing this post because I am procrastinating on studying for test that I am going to be taking tomorrow night…

The semester is coming to a close and thank goodness for that. I know, we still have a few weeks of classes left, but I can feel it winding down. Thanksgiving is next week and to me, that means the end of the semester is right upon us and I cannot wait! It is going to feel SO good to have this semester over with because when it started I did not think that I would be able to make it through and here I am, almost at the end of it. I just need to make it through five practical exams, two finals, and finish up one giant paper/project and we will be at a close. I am not worried about the paper because the majority of it is done already, just need to make some adjustments after the professor looks at the first draft. It was a pretty easy paper to write.

I am sort of worried about the practical exams because I am not really sure what to expect for them and my professor has neglected to send us the grading rubrics for them like he said that he would. But I'm pretty used to expecting that from this certain professor. I just can't believe that Ayden is almost halfway through his first grade year. Wow, time flies! His parent/teacher conferences are coming up next week and I'm actually looking forward to them. Ayden isn't the brightest student in the class, I know that, but he is my little smarty pants in other ways. That much I know... because he remembers the littlest things that I thought he would have forgotten a LONG time ago! It's crazy!

Anyways, I'm looking forward to talking to both his teacher and his speech teacher and seeing how he is doing with everything and what areas he might need to work a little harder in. I know that reading is going to be a hard area for him, but I'm hoping that he grows up to love it just as much as I do!

I have a test to take on Saturday night after Ayden goes to bed. We were supposed to have Monday thru Thursday to take the test, but our professor pushed it back for us until Wednesday thru Saturday (maybe even Sunday) and so, you know me, I'm waiting until Saturday night to take the test. It is online and open book, but I don't anticipate it being super easy. I have taken online tests before and done okay on them, but not by this particular professor. But, I'm not really as nervous as I think I should be.

I had the dreaded Balance exam on Monday and I think that it went really well. We (my classmates and myself) studied our butts off for that test and I think we all rocked it out of the park. There were a few that I didn't know for sure, but I didn't walk out of the exam feeling like I did horrible. I walked out expecting an 'A-' at the least which is a pretty good feeling for me. Now, lets just hope that I actually get that grade on the test when he hands it back, or better than that, would be really nice!

It's just going to be me and the little dude this weekend. Jay is going home for gun hunting. I wish the weather would be nicer out because I found a few new spots around town that I would like to take pictures at, but it is pretty cold (and it's not even hit winter yet) and so it makes me want to sit inside all day versus getting up and going outside! And since I’ve been home the past couple of weekends, I’m itching to get out and do something, although I really don’t want to spend the whole weekend gone either.

Here is our Christmas card for this year. I made them the other night, now I just need to get them printed. I haven’t decided if I still like the font that I’ve used, but since I haven’t gotten them printed yet, I still have some time to decide on card template copyBut… I think for the time being they turned out alright, at least I think so.

I started my Christmas shopping today and got a few things. I’m big on the gift giving, but not on the money spending or the actual shopping during this time of the year. I love to shop, but I can already tell that the stores are getting really busy and I hate those kind of crowds. Really not my type of scene. Too many people for me and its even worse when you’re shopping with kids in tow! Jay and I usually do our Christmas shopping together closer to Christmas.

Ayden had his cub scouts pack meeting last night and he got his first badge! I’ll upload some pictures later to post. It was a very cute ceremony that they did and given the amount of new cub scouts they had it didn’t take as long as I thought it was going to be. Ayden is still enjoying it a lot so that is good. We are going to go camping in January with the cub scouts. Yes, camping in Wisconsin, in January. But it will be in heated cabins and I’ve been told that it is a very fun time for the boys so we’re taking Ayden. Lots of hot chocolate and sledding will be had by all!

My tattoo is doing good. It is starting to itch a little bit, but that is good because that means it is healing. I’ll have to post a picture of it when it is all the way healed.

Jay and I might be getting a phone upgrade. We both got a text from our phone company stating something about a free upgrade because of the new 3G system that they will be implementing and that our phones will not be compatible with it or something like that. I don’t know for sure, but it would be pretty cool if we did because I could go for a new phone right about now. I’m all for new technology, but we did only get our current phones last December so they are just a year old. I won’t keep my fingers crossed incase it fall through, but it doesn’t hurt a girl to hope yet, right?!

We still haven’t been able to get my iTouch to work with our wireless internet at home. Apparently the focus group at Apple is still working on it. My guess is that they won’t be able to get it to work and that I will have to send it back to Apple to return it to where I got it from because it is of no use to me at home without wifi. I mean, I have the internet on my phone, but not all webpages shows up, not all webpages show up like I want them to, and it takes forever sometimes. I have an only beat up iPod nano that can hold a few songs (we’re talking first generation iPod nano here that literally looks like it was ran over) so I can use that for music, but I really like the iTouch when I can get online at school. It is really nice! Won’t keep my fingers crossed for this one either!

Below is the collage of pictures I am using for a Christmas gift. A gift for someone who doesn’t know I have a blog so no worries about them finding out and/or seeing it. I am getting the pictures printed as squares and I found these super cute frames to put them in. But, I can’t decide if I like them better in black and white and sharpened or in color and not sharpened. Help me decide, what do you like better?!IMG_2246 copyIMG_2275 copyIMG_2209 copyIMG_2294 copy 

Black and white…or…color?!

IMG_2246 copyIMG_2275 copyIMG_2209 copyIMG_2294 copy

I really can’t decide!