Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Icicles all around!

We had our first snow/ice storm last week and it was pretty icky here for a day or so and when Ayden and I got home on Sunday I saw some icicles hanging on the branches and stuff around the house and I couldn’t resist taking some pictures of them… getting down to their level and seeing what I could create. Because I knew that they wouldn’t last for very long because the weather was warming up.

I really like this first one that I got and the other ones are okay. Something different because heaven forbid I put Ayden in front of the camera anymore than he would like me too, haha! (That and I’ve been sucked into the world of textures again and I am having a blast putting them on all sorts of pictures!)IMG_3182IMG_3187IMG_3189IMG_3190

Almost have another week of school done… almost… only two weeks left then until the end of the semester. Thanksgiving is definitely a tease when it comes to students because after that break, who wants to come back and actually do any work?! I’ll tell you who, NOT ME! But oh well.

I got my Balance test back yesterday and I did fantastic on it… again. I got a high ‘A’ that I wasn’t expecting, but definitely was happy about. But, I’m sad for my classmates because neither of them did as well as they would have liked I know that both of them knew the material just as well as me, if not better. One in particular started studying the week before the test, like hardcore major studying… and me, I didn’t start studying until the Friday before the test (which was on the following Monday). That means I should have done worse, right?! I mean, I don’t feel bad that I got a good grade, but I do feel bad that my classmate put in some much extra work and she didn’t do nearly as good as me. Maybe I shouldn’t feel bad, but I do, that’s just who I am.

One more week of clinic which I am excited about; however, my supervisor decided to schedule an appointment for the week after clinic is done and I sure as heck hope he doesn’t expect me to be available for that time because I will not be. I’m done doing extra crap for school because I work my butt off and don’t get anything in return. Really, I’m sick of it, and if they (these professors and supervisors) do not write me good recommendation letters because I’ve stopped being their ‘b*******’ then they have something coming. I’m bitter about it, yes I am. Maybe at some point I will not be bitter, but I doubt that, ha! Love the school/program/etc… but I also hate it most of the time too. But, I’ve been down that self pity road before and don’t feel like revisiting it again tonight.

I did find out that I probably won’t have to travel as far as I thought for my off campus placement next semester which is good, but that leaves next fall with me travelling. Keeping my fingers crossed that everything works out as it should!