Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Blogging from bed...

This is a first for me... laying down in bed and typing out a blog post from the keyboard on my phone. Hmmm... I'm currently waiting for a new show, Pregnant in Heels, to start on TV. It looks pretty good and kind of funny because it it about a bunch of rich pregnant ladies who haven't a clue about kids. That just screams funny to me!

We went for a four (probably longer because I don't think my trip counter on my bike was quite accurate) mile bike ride tonight as a family. Third or fourth one already and I'm loving it.tonight was the first night that we went this far though. It was Ayden's idea to do four miles. He said he wanted to do more than just two and I asked him how many and he said four. And he only had to get off and walk his bike up one small hill and I don't blame him because we were totally biking against the wind at that point. But we all made it and I hope we can go again tomorrow!

One more day of class for me this week! Yeah! Well, actually Wednesdays are always my last day of class each week, but because of the national audiologist conference this week (of which I'm sadly too poor to attend this year) two of my four classes are cancelled for tomorrow and I don't have clinic on Thursday.

Okay, blogging in bed is going to come to a close for tonight... my wrists are getting sore and my show has started.