Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Dream on IT…

Have you ever woken up in the morning and thought… dang that was one weird dream?! Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night scared you-know-what-less from a nightmare you had?! I’m sure you have! I definitely know I have… to both of those questions.

Normally, I don’t listen to the radio very often in my car because the amount that I am in it each day amounts to about 20 minutes… if that. Ten minutes in the morning and ten minutes at night. If I were to listen to the radio, my luck would be that those ten minutes that I am in the car would be filled with radio commercials. If you know me, I HATE commercials! I cannot stand them on TV and I cannot stand them on the radio. So, normally I just jam to one of my cds while I am driving… that means NO commercials!

Because I have been driving to and from Rapids twice a week, that leaves me LOTS more car time. Well, it equates to about an hour of driving each day which really isn’t a lot. I’ve been listening to the radio a little bit more on Tuesdays and Thursdays for that reason and the station that I’ve been listening to has had this guest speaker each Tuesday morning. Her name is Lauri Loewenberg and she is a dream psychologist. People would call in and she would analysis their dreams for them. I thought it was the coolest thing. I actually started looking forward to Tuesday mornings to listen to her analysis dreams. Anyways, she has two books out and had just came out with a new book called Dream on It: Unlock Your Dreams, Change Your Life.64086659_b

This is what amazon.com had as their description of the book say about the book…

‘Your dreams hold the key to a better, fuller life. There is a reason we dream at night. It’s not random nonsense. When we are dreaming, we are thinking on a much deeper, more insightful level than when we’re awake. When we’re dreaming, we’re actually problem solving...it’s just in a different language. Our minds are speaking to us in codes: warning, helping, and guiding us through our constantly evolving situations in life. The mind, through dreams, is trying to alert us to problems it wants fixed. The truth is, our best thinking isn’t done in the shower, it’s done while we dream. In fact, when we say, “Let me sleep on it,” what we’re really saying is, “Let me dream on it.”’

I pretty much HAD to have this book. I checked at a few local stores and they didn’t have it and I’m notorious for not being able to wait for things that I want. I really wanted it in paper form so I could reference it since looking up things on my Kindle is not as easy as flipping through a book. However, I didn’t want to wait for it to arrive from Amazon in the mail, so I just went ahead and got it for my Kindle. Best part… the book (in paper form and on the Kindle) is at a totally reasonable price right now. And I have to say that I am loving the book!

Lauri goes through all sorts of things that people dream about and why we are dreaming about them. Then she writes about real dreams people have had and then dissects them for the individuals and then you get to read the individuals’ responses and how what was going on in their lives at the point in time actually corresponded well with the dream. It it totally awesome!

I had no idea that our dreams could hold such hidden meanings for us! It’s all about our unconscious telling us what we should be doing that our conscious mind won’t. And some of the way the dreams play out and their actual meanings is quite astonishing! And the best part is that there is a dream dictionary at the back of the book that you can use as a quick reference to look up your dreams. I’ve tried dream dictionaries before, but never quite knew what to believe with them. However, I am very inclined to believe what these interpretations are telling me because the author has quite and extensive history of dream interpretation and has study it for many many years… and the fact that when she is interpreting dreams on the radio she is pretty much SPOT on!

I’ve been meaning to try and interpret some of my own dreams each morning when I wake up in the morning, but for the past couple of mornings I have not been remembering my dreams as well as I would like… that and like I said, it it harder to reference things on my Kindle. I did manage to get the dream dictionary into a word file that I can print off (with a lot of screen shots of my computer and copy/paste/crop) and so now I can print it off and have it next to my bed in the morning.

I  just find this whole thing quite fascinating… I’m sure not everyone will, but oh well. If you happen to go get the book from this post, hope you enjoy it and are able to unlock some of your dreams! I know I’m looking forward to it!