Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Date Night!

Jay and I don't have a 'regulated' date night each month, although I've heard from many couples that as parents it's an important thing... to get that quality alone time with your significant other. Most of the time when we go out, it's as a family... a family dinner at Pizza Hut, a family bike ride, always family... and it's mostly because we don't have any other family in the area that can watch Ayden if we were to want to go out and babysitters cost money. But tonight... tonight... we are dropping Ayden off at my friend Kristi's house and we are going to go to a movie. We are going to go see Insidious. My sister has warned me against going to see this movie. She says that it is super scary and that it is probably the worst idea ever, but after she said that, we pretty much had to go, haha! And... Jay and I haven't been to a movie, just him and I, in like the last three years! At least, I don't think so... we've been to movies since then, obviously, (me more than him) but not just the two of us. So... we're going, even though movies are expensive, haha! And, I'm excited.

My Wednesday is starting off pretty good. I might have mentioned in my post last night that I am done with class today at 2:40pm instead of my normal 6:30pm. That means I get to be home when Ayden gets home from school and we get to go on our family bike ride early tonight. I'm thinking we could probably pull off another four miles tonight since it is less windy out and Ayden did so great with it last night. I really like that Jay wants to go as well because so often I want to do things as a family and he doesn't want to do them. I'm hoping that this keeps up and that by the end of the summer we have biked over 100 miles together as a family. I definitely think that that is doable! I mean, an average of four miles a night would mean we'd have to bike that route 25 times and that is definitely not a lot for an entire summer... maybe I should make our goal higher, lol!

Jay has grand plans to go golfing a lot this summer as well. Although, I tend to think that he usually has these plans and then never follows through with them. I'd like to go more often though, at least to the driving range. We all have a set of clubs now and it would be another fun thing to do together. We found a set for me last summer for SUPER cheap and they were in pretty good condition and I think I used them maybe twice (although we did get them kind of late in the summer). We wouldn't have gotten them in the first place, but they were SUPER cheap. Now I told Jay that I need to get a cute bag for them and a cute golf glove. They did come with a decent bag that even has wheels on it. He wasn't too keen on the new bag, but glove definitely (since most gloves are only around $10 for an okay one). I wanted a bright pink glove though and the store that we were at didn't have anything but white with a little pink on it. That was definitely not going to work for me. Listen to all this golf talk... I can barely even hit the ball when I swing. Dare I say that my six and a half year old son is a better shot than me?! It's true!

I have been soda free for the past ELEVEN days! That is HUGE for me! I was not a full blown soda addict per say... but I usually had at least one a day. I tried to keep it to one a day and with a meal and I would usually feel bad if I had more than one a day. I didn't really go through any caffeine withdrawals, or I don't think so. I did have a huge headache last Friday, but that was already almost a week since my last soda so I didn't really contribute that to my lack of caffeine, so much so as how I was feeling that day (which was overall pretty cruddy). I've also been trying to eat less. I tried counting my calories one day and it is hard so I've been just eating smaller portions at each meal and not having any unhealthy snacks (although I did have a piece of super yummy Grandma Hoerth cake and a cupcake that Jay made on Saturday, and two cupcakes on Sunday, and a small handful of M&Ms last night, shh, yes I know that was three days of 'cheating'). My chocolate craving just got the best of me this past weekend and last night, but I don't think that you need to cut it out completely, right?! I weighed myself on March 27th and I weighed (ha, I'm not really going to make that public) and then when I weighed myself again on April 3rd (a week later) I weight (insert lesser number here) and had lost just about five pounds. I will attribute a little bit of that to the fact that I weighed myself the first time half way through the day after I'd eaten both breakfast and lunch and the second time was in the morning before I'd eaten anything and a little bit due to differences in clothing, although I tried to wear the same light stuff on both days. In any case, even if all I lost was two actual pounds last week, that's great! I am that much closer to what I would like to weigh because my starting weight was about fifteen pounds more than I would like to weigh... which is pretty much what I weighed in high school.

My friends and I are trying to plan another girls night/get together. Once again, it's been WAY too long since we've all seen each other. I think it was right before Christmastime that we all got together last with the kiddos and then probably twoish months since our last 'just mommy' lunch out... definitely time again! I really don't want to lose touch with these ladies! They have what it takes to keep this mommy sane and their kids are all just SO adorable! It's amazing that we can go for such a long time without catching up and then we get together and it seems like just yesterday that we were last together. I wish we all lived a little bit closer together and had better schedules so that it didn't have to be so long between when we see each other, but such is life I guess, right?!

There are... only 899 days left until Jay and I get married. I better get started on some hard core planning, right?! Lol! Wedding planning is pretty much at the bottom of my list and will most likely remain there, I mean... isn't that what my mom and Jay's mom are for... to do all of that for me?! Honestly, it just doesn't even seem real to me yet because it is so far away. Yes, I do have a ring on my finger... but I sort of already think of us as being married. I mean, in our case, nothing is really going to change after we get married so the whole actual wedding thing just hasn't gotten me super excited yet. I’m sure it will as the gigantic amount of days dwindles lower and lower, right?!

Two more hours on campus and then its off to enjoy the nice weather outside! YEAH! Can’t wait!