Sunday, March 4, 2012


I had a mirage of dreams last one, but the one that I remember the most vividly involved driving across a bridge in my car. I was on some big busy bridge with a lot of other overpasses around me. I was in the car with Ayden and we were about halfway across the bridge and all of a sudden it starts to crumble underneath us. I could tell that the bridge was going to collapse while we were on it. At this point the dream switched to what seamed like slow motion. I had enough time to turn around and yell at Ayden to get unbuckled and was able to unbuckle myself. Somehow I grabbed him and we were both able to jump from the car before it hit the water below us. We did end up in the water, but were able to swim to the shore. At that point I remember getting a cellphone from someone and calling Jay and letting him know that we were in a pretty bad accident, but that both Ayden and I were okay. I remember when the bridge was collapsing that there were other people going into the water too, but I don't remember anyone after we got to shore and I made the call to Jay. That is all that I remember from that particular dream last night.

Anyways, I am a big believer on your dreams telling you something that you consciously aren't paying attention too and last night really blew me away when I looked up the dream in my dream book. I own the book Dream On It by Lauri Lowenberg and it is really good. In her dream dictionary she defines a bridge dream as the following: transition, getting from point A to point B. Are you trying to cross over into some new area in your life? If the bridge collapes or you fall off the bridge you are worried you are not going to make it through this transition in your life.

Can we say O.M.G.!!! That is me right now to a 'T'!!! My life is about to turn upside down in just a few months and we will be starting a new chapter in our lives. A chapter than I cannot wait to start, but one that I am VERY VERY worried about because it will be something new... something that I am not yet prepared for. The planner in me is going crazy! I just had to post that because if you don't believe in dream interpretation, you just might now! It is crazy!

I also dreamed that my classmate and I received some assignments back from a professor and we both had failed the assignments and were very unhappy. I know I dreamt about that because we were both a little worried after we turned our last assignment in because we didn't know how we would do. I have to report that we both passed the assignment with 'A's. That was an easy dream to interpret, haha!

The bridge one really just blew me away because it is like spot on!