Sunday, March 4, 2012

{mark an ‘x’ by that item}

Jay has a a new job for when we move!!! If I could convey just how happy and excited that makes me through the type on my computer you can bet it would look a lot more exciting than just some plain font! This is MAJOR for our family! The job sounds great and I know that Jay is VERY excited about it and I am super excited for him! One major thing checked off on our to do list of moving in less than three months. We are moving in LESS THAN THREE MONTHS! Wow! I remember thinking at the beginning of the school  year that we would be moving in about nine months and now the time has dwindled down to less than THREE! Can you tell my excitement yet?!

There is still so much to do before the actual moving part, but it is starting to feel more real every day. I know that once we find a new place to live that it will be even more real, but even talking to Ayden today about the possibility of getting him a bunk bed/loft after we see what his new room will be like was exciting. It really is just crazy!

Before then though I have a lot to get through school wise. Clinic continues to go amazingly! I have about seven homework assignments to complete before the end of the semester, the dreaded Praxis to take, and a capstone presentation to complete. The stress of it all hasn’t really hit me yet. Okay, I lie… I do go through periods of feeling utterly overwhelmed with it all and thinking there is no way that I will be able to complete it all AND move my family across the state all before starting my externship, but then I pull myself together and tell myself to just take things one day at a time. All things are possible and I am definitely not the type of person to just sit back and give up. I am getting my doctorates degree after all, doesn’t that say something about my will to push through and get things done! For some reason, I don’t really know what taking the easy route means. Go to college or don’t go… it was always go, even when things might have been easier if I hadn’t gone. Graduate from college or go to grad school… why not go to grad school?! Once again, things certainly would have been easier if I were working and making money by now, but it’s just not me! Just my mentality I guess!

I have officially worked out 16 of the last 20 days so far and I have to say that that is quite an accomplishment for me after not working out for so long. I am sad to say that I haven’t really lost any weight since starting which is really disappointing. I try not to let it get to me because I know I am building muscles. Let me tell you, doing push ups is A LOT easier now than it was 20 days ago. I can do 10 in a row pretty fast. When I started 20 days ago, I could barely get out 5 at a time. I know that counts for something! I am just hoping that when I start the Turbo Fire program again in week that some of the weight I have been wanting to lose goes away. I suppose that my almost nightly hand full of chocolate chips isn’t helping any either, hehe!

Well, the little man has decided to come help me blog so I guess I should get going!