Monday, March 12, 2012

{roller-skates, pizza, and family}

I had the best weekend! The weather was fabulous and I had an overall great time and it went WAY too fast! It started out on Saturday morning. I sold my camera! How exciting! I recently upgraded my camera and had just posted my old one on Craigslist this past week. I had priced it a little high because from past dealings with Craigslist, I know people like to haggle. I've done it before too. I didn't think I would get what I had it priced at, but I sort of knew my bottom dollar. I had one offer on it earlier in the week for $225 LESS than what I had originally posted it for. The lady must have been nuts, haha! I politely declined her offer. I mean, at that point it was only posted for like two days! Saturday morning I got a text about it and ended up selling it for only $50 under what I had listed it for. YES! Super excited to have that done with! And I am in LOVE with my new camera. It is a beast compared to my other one. I did a lot of research before purchasing my new camera and went back and forth about when I should get it. I had originally wanted to wait and save up for it, but that would have taken until the end of the summer probably. Because I already have like 10-15 photo shoots scheduled for 2012 already, I know that I will be able to make that money up fairly fast. And that isn't counting anything else that gets scheduled for this summer. I decided to go with the Canon 7D. I had the Canon t1i and loved that so I knew I wanted to stay with Canon. I had originally wanted the Canon 5D Mark ii, but that is a heavy duty professional camera with an even heftier price tag that I just couldn't justify. The 7D is the next step down and it still fits the other two lenses that I have.

After that we headed out to go roller-skating with my dad's side of the family. My aunt and uncle threw together an afternoon of roller-skating and a pizza buffet. I was surprised at all of the family that showed up. Almost everyone was there, even my grandma! (Although she didn't roller-skate.) It was SO much fun! I love rollerblading and hadn't been in SO long so it was great. My sister, Emily, ended up not coming because she was not feeling very well and she was missed because Ayden was looking forward to seeing here. But, my sister, Alexis did end up coming and I was surprised about that because my dad was out of town and she was staying with her other grandparents. But I was so happy to see her!

Jay and I started out trying to get Ayden to roller-skate. We had gone once before about a year or two ago and Ayden wanted nothing to do with it and I was kind of apprehensive about going this time. The first and second time around were no good and Ayden pitched a fit about wanting to go back out. He had had enough, but I wasn't going to give up. I didn't come skating for him to not go. So, we got back up and back out and after a few more times around he was having a great time! He still didn't really get the hint of picking your feet up and pushing them outwards to go. His method was more of put one foot in front of the other and push yourself along using the wall and he was going pretty fast too.

After getting Ayden out there and going I ran into Alexis and took her out on the roller rink. It was her first time out there as well and after a few times around she was getting the hang of it pretty good too. She actually got the concept of roller-skating. I tell you though, my arm was definitely sore by the end of the afternoon from holding up Ayden and Alexis for three hours. But I'd do it all over because it was a lot of fun!IMG_0131IMG_0134IMG_0141IMG_0132IMG_0133IMG_0135IMG_0138IMG_0140IMG_0142IMG_0143IMG_0149IMG_0148IMG_0150IMG_0151IMG_0152IMG_0153When everyone was done skating we headed over to a new pizza buffet called Stevie B's and I have to say that it was pretty good for buffet pizza. The cost was pretty reasonable for a buffet as well... I think for an adult supper it was just under $7 and kids under ten its like $3-4. Worked for us. They had tons of different kinds of pizzas too and you could order your own. They had the normal sausage and cheese and then ones like taco, mac and cheese pizza, BLT pizza, loaded baked potato pizza, lots and lots of choices! I think it is safe to say we will probably be going back at some point! Yummy in my tummy!

I’ll end with a few pictures of the sky as we were driving home that night!IMG_0154IMG_0155IMG_0161CIAO! LOVE ME!