Wednesday, March 7, 2012

{practice for the praxis}

I've probably mentioned before that as a part of my schooling I have to take this wonderful test called the Praxis. You might be familiar that teachers have to take and pass this exam to get licensed (among other degrees). The Praxis test that I have to take is similar, but it focuses on audiology questions and not education questions. The test is 120 questions long and is multiple choice. I am fearing this test! I will be taking it on April 28th and have just started the studying process. The majority (if not all) of the Madison students will be taking the test this coming weekend on March 10th. There was no way that I would have been prepared to take it this weekend. You can take this test multiple times, but costs like $100, so you don't really want to have to.

I am an okay test taker. I did well enough on the ACTs in high school to be accepted into UW Madison. I passed the GRE with a good enough score to get accepted into grad school... a program that only accepts about 5-6 students per year (not that I know how many students actually applied during my year). I should do fine on the Praxis, but this is a culmination of all of our audiology classes. Fabulous, right?!

During some down time at clinic yesterday, I took my first practice test. I left the answer key at home to score it at night because I didn't think I would have so much down time during clinic. I was a little nervous about my answers though. If I'd have to guess, I probably got 60 to 70% correct. Turns out, I got 65% correct. Not too shabby for not having done any studying and sort of flying through it by the seat of my pants. You need to score a 600 or better on the test to pass. I tried to find out how many questions correc that was, but I couldn't find anything. That sort of bummed me out because I wanted to see how close I was to passing without having done any major studying. Oh well, better get my butt into gear no matter what.

I am getting mildly overwhelmed with my capstone project right now. I am having a hard time drawing conclusions from my study. Shouldn't be too hard, right? Well, I have like 50 some graphs to look at and don't really know where to start. I've sent an email to my advisor in hopes that she can sort of guide me in the right direction... we shall see!

Did I mention that my seven year old now knows how to tie his shoes? Took him just one night to learn (not that I was anticipating it would take longer) and he is so proud of himself! He got it down to the point where he was ready to wear the shoes to school today and that was big because the kids still have to take off their shoes and put on boots before going outside for recess so that means taking off the shoes and putting them back on and retying them several times throughout the day.

My aunt and uncle are having a family roller skating day this weekend and I am excited to go. I love to roller-skate/rollerblade. Ayden not so much. Jay not so much. But I think that when Ayden sees all of his cousins there that he won't care and we will all have a great time together. I am just really excited to see my family since it has been since Christmas since I have seen most of them. My sister said that she was going so we pretty much have to go, haha! She is requesting some Ayden time. Don't blame her, he is addictive, haha!

Ayden and the kids in his class had to make a leprechaun trap for school for St. Patrick's Day's coming up and Ayden took his to school today. He made it all by himself and it turned out pretty neat. He had some great ideas for it and I was proud that the majority of it he did himself. He is really growing up on me. I know that in just a few years that he won't want to cuddle on the couch with me anymore and he will be too big to sit on mommy's lap. I hope that by that point I'll have another little one in the house who does want to cuddle with me. We can only pray!

So, Jay and I are pretty sure where we want to have the wedding reception. I have yet to go to the place and fully decide yes or no. The vision is in my head though of what I would like it to look like once completed. While Jay was home this past weekend, apparently the guy who owns the property came up to him and was all excited about us having the wedding there. We haven't told a ton of people where we plan to have the reception because we aren't 100% certain and Jay's mom didn't want to really tell anyone because we haven't drawn up any sort of contract with the owner yet (it is a family friend so I'm sure it will be pretty informal, but we still want something down on paper), but I guess the owner was all like 'Oh I've told lots of people already!' Well that's great! Haha! He does know that I haven't seen the place yet and said to come on over early this summer during a graduation party to check it out. I am looking forward to it. He is just excited to have the next big Hoerth party at his place!

I know everyone talks about the weather, but it has just been simply amazing here lately! Today it is gorgeous outside! I was just thinking yesterday about how I cannot wait for it to be warm enough outside and inside so I can wear a t-shirt and not be cold. I am ALWAYS cold! And today at work, I had a t-shirt on and felt great! Now I can only hope that my classroom is that warm when I have class because that one is ALWAYS freezing! In the middle of winter I am usually wearing my winter coat in class. Ugh!