I am a Type A perfectionist. Life should, but doesn't, revolve around my schedule and planning. You think this sweet face would let me run the show all of the time?! Doubtful, hehe!
Of course, I'm a mom, so life doesn't. But it doesn't more so because of my lovely fiancé than anything. Part of me is counting down the hours until Jay is gone during the week because then if something needs to get done, I'll have no choice but to do it and then cannot get annoyed if it doesn't get done.I mean, sometimes I just get so exasperated that I look like this! (My lame attempt at adding a little humor to this post because it is bound to get a little whiny sounding today.)
I am a BIG believer that the way our house is kept clean and how the parenting duties are divided should be 50/50. I am not the only parent, so I shouldn't have to do everything myself. I am not the only one living in this house, so I shouldn't have to clean everything myself. I will admit, that with cleaning, sometimes I am a bit neurotic. I like things in their place. Our house may not pass super clean standards. I don't dust or vacuum nearly as much as I probably should (I can see a layer of dust on our TV stand as we speak), but it is organized for the most part. I tend to pick up the living room each morning before I leave... folding blankets, putting shoes away, having Ayden pick up his toys from the night before, putting remotes where they belong, etc. I like our rooms to be fairly clean and organized. The kitchen table is one of those places at our house that I can never seem to keep free of clutter (probably because we don't eat at it).Theoretically, since Jay has been not working consistently for the last three plus months, it would seem that he should be doing the majority of the house work. WRONG! That guy doesn't know how to do anything of his own volition. (Minus the dishes, since that is his only 'assigned chore' that he can see. He is supposed to clean the litter box as well, but that only happens after I ask him about four days in a row to clean it.) Honestly, he cannot even clean the entire kitchen without me bitching about it. He starts by putting the dishes in the dishwasher... but then stops. I mean, seriously, if the counter is dirty, how hard is it to WIPE IT OFF?!
Another example is emptying his bag from a weekend at his parents house. It shouldn't take an entire week for him to empty it and that only happened because he needed to fill it up again. I will admit, that I sometimes let the little things get to me. Well, not just sometimes, a lot more than just sometimes… I mean, for being a guy, he is VERY good about putting the toilet seat down. Maybe that should count for something, right?! Haha! Some little things that bug the heck out of me are when he throws his keys on the table RIGHT NEXT to the key hanger by the door. How hard is it to hang your keys up when it is RIGHT NEXT to the table you throw them on? And then he doesn't put his coat in the coat closet, but instead walks right past it and hangs his coat on a chair in the kitchen. I mean, REALLY?! You walked RIGHT PAST the coat closet! Argh! Have I mentioned I’m a little neurotic?! It’s not every day that I get annoyed with this stuff. I mean, there are days when I come home from clinic, throw my bags down in the kitchen and leave them there until the next day. (I may or may not still have a dirty fork in my lunch bag from last Thursday yet, oops.)AAAHHHH, seriously, a dirty fork in your lunch bag yet! Come on mom! Haha!
Is it so bad though that I like a neat house? It doesn't have to be spotless, but really, is it so hard to sweep the kitchen when you see it getting dirty or put the cookies you made that day in a Tupperware container? Do I always have to be the one to telling him to do things? It is a big source of contention between us (especially lately) and honestly, I think it will probably only get worse after he is gone during the week living at his parents because my guess is that he won't be doing much cleaning there.
It is just my Type A personality shining through... I like things done my way and on my time. Okay, maybe I have some obsessive compulsiveness as well, haha! I like the remotes lined up on the table versus just laying their haphazardly (well of course, this is essentially when no one is watching TV) or that I prefer things in straight lines versus not. I am not neurotic on most things. There are definitely times where you can walk into my house and find a pile of MY clothes on the bedroom floor or a pile of dirty clothes in the hallway outside of the bathroom (because for some reason that is where we have designated the dirty laundry pile until it gets pushed down the laundry shoot by Ayden), or that there are dirty dishes on our counter, or our office area is cluttered with papers, or the basement has toys strewn about. Our house is by far spic and span and someplace that cannot be lived comfortably in, but sometimes the clutter gets to me and the fact that I am the only one doing things about it bothers me even more. Left to his own devices, Jay's house would be a lot messier than mine for a lot longer. We just clash in that area.Really mom, you just need to chill out!
Whatever though, I am in an annoyed mood today. I wish I could say I wasn't, but I am. Ayden was supposed to get his hair cut this morning (at home), but then he whined and complained about not wanting it done. Then Jay said he didn't really even want to cut it, after he said he would last night. I've asked for the kitty litter to be cleaned probably every day this week and it still isn't done. Jay wants to go bowling, but I don't really want to, then he gets pissed that I told him, when I asked him to come on a bike ride with me and Ayden yesterday and he was too lazy to come and instead just watched more TV. My car is in the shop waiting to be fixed and the $200 repair that it was supposed to be is now going to cost us probably $700 and that means I don't have a vehicle to drive and I would like to go to Best Buy this morning, but don't like driving Jay's truck and he's currently acting pissy towards me. I'd really like Jay to take Ayden golfing today so I could have a few hours to myself, but I doubt that that is going to happen. I'm letting the little things bother me this morning and I know I shouldn't, but knowing and doing are two different things and sometimes my brain doesn't like to listen to logic. I suppose everyone is allowed a few hours of life not being perfect, right? I'm bound not to let the rest of my day be bad. I could probably use a nice long bike ride, but I just showered, so I don't want to go out and get all sweaty right away and I think I will wait for it to warm up a little bit.
On a more positive note, I have been able to sleep until 8:30am the last two days and it has felt GREAT! Not to mention that the weather has been G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S!!! It is spring break and I am SO ready for some relaxation!I gave myself ‘off’ on Saturday and Sunday from doing anything school related and it has felt quite nice. Tomorrow I am going to get my butt out of bed at 7:00am…
Yeah, I know, I said 7:00am… it really isn’t that early!
I didn’t ‘work out’ at all this week. I mean, yes, I did exercise in some way or another every day except Tuesday. I biked on Sunday, worked out on Monday, skipped Tuesday, biked on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. I logged about 30-35 miles on my bike this week. I do want this week to be a little bit better with actual working out like I have been doing so that is my goal. Working out and biking some. The weather is supposed to be pretty decent.
Ayden and I did end up going for a bike ride today. We ended up at the beach and he made two little friends and got almost soaking wet in super cold water. Oops! Nah! Even though the water was pretty cold (definitely too cold to go swimming, I mean, it is only March 18th), the weather was so nice that I knew he would be okay. And it is not as if he was in his swimming suit and actually went swimming. He was just splashing around and running at the edge of the water with his new friends. I knew he was probably going to get a little wet and that was okay with me. All apart of being a kid! Having fun, getting dirty, and lots and lots of laughing!
Okay, blogging did me good today, I am in a much better mood now than when I started this post. Just needed to get it out. And even though Jay still irritates the heck out of me sometimes, he did make spaghetti for supper tonight and it was really yummy, so maybe I’ll forgive for today. Maybe…
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