Friday, October 19, 2012

{46 days}

46 days ago I decided to become a runner.

For 46 days I have been a runner.

I started off running 60 second intervals.

I thought about giving up, A LOT!

I worked my ass off (almost literally).

I pushed through when I wanted to quit.

I've turned into one of those people who enjoys buying workout clothes more than anything else.

In 46 days I've run over 40 miles (probably over 50, although I haven't tracked every run).

I make the decision to get out there and give it my all.

I'm officially signed up for 2 5K's.

I've decided to run a half marathon in the spring.

And last night...

Last night I really believed I was a runner.

Previous to last night, I've only called myself one.

Last night I gave it my all and then some... and probably could have pushed a little further.

Last night I headed out for a run... in the rain... and let all of the days worries disappear.

I concentrated on the music, my breathing, my footsteps pounding on the pavement.

I saw only forward, not behind.

I felt unstoppable.

On Tuesday I ran for 3.86 miles, SO close to the 4 I was pushing for.

Last night, I ran for 4.5 miles!

I killed my goal!

I mean really, I didn't get tattooed with the word persistent for nothing, haha!

If someone who always HATED running can do it, then ANYONE can!