Our weekends just keep on rolling by... so much going on! And then there is SO much to blog about, but I don't want to actually sit down and write it all out then... bad blogger I am, haha!
We had a great weekend this past weekend. Jay and I ended up leaving for his parent's house a little earlier than I had anticipated, but it was good because we knew that some bad weather was probably going to be heading in and I really didn't want to be driving in it. Bite my words!
We stopped at a state park on the way home that I will be taking pictures at in a few weeks so Jay could get his park pass (came with all of the animal tags he purchased this year for hunting) and we decided to drive around it a little bit since neither of us had been there in YEARS and I wanted to see if we could find some good picture locations. We were winding through some of the roads and then the wind started picking up and it got really dark. Oh ick! I told Jay that we should probably head out and off to his parent's house, we were only like fifteen minutes away yet, and so we did. And then the wind picked up even more and it started pouring and all I wanted to do was make it to his parent's house in one piece.
Shortly after we got to his parent's house their power went out. We still needed to head into town to get some groceries and pick up Ayden and decided that then was the time because the storms weren't supposed to let up all night and well, wasn't much we could do at the house with no power. We stopped at my dad's house and got Ayden and then went to the grocery store to get the food for his birthday party the next day and got poured on the whole time! Smart us, eh? A little rain never hurt no one, right?! Didn't think so!
The power was still out at Jay's parent's house when we got back from getting Ayden and the food which was kind of a bummer, but we made do. We played a new card game that Jay had learned at my family camping the weekend before by candlelight. It was pretty hilarious actually because it was a gambling game and we had little tee light candles set around the board so we could see what we were doing… and I totally rocked the game! It’s played with nickels and I ended up winning over $2! How awesome is that, especially since part of the game involved a hand of poker and I don’t know how to play poker to save my life and I am not a good bluffer AT ALL! It was a fun night and after about three hours with no power, it came back on!
Saturday was Ayden’s birthday party. In the morning we went over to Jay’s aunt and uncles house so they could give Ayden his birthday present. Actually… it’s Ayden’s godfather’s house and he hasn’t been to a single birthday party YET! Hideous I know! Anyways, even if there wasn’t a family ‘feud’, they wouldn’t have been able to make it to the party since they had a wedding to attend. In any case, it was nice that they were able to give him the gift personally this year instead of just sending it along with Jay’s grandparents to the party. We even made plans for Ayden to rid in the tractor when it is time for the corn to come down. It was a good start to the day, even if the sun refused to come out until like 5pm! I mean seriously, when they say sun, I expect sun!
The party went great and lots of family was able to make it! I was happy and Ayden was happy and I think everyone enjoyed themselves. It started at 2pm and my mom and her parent’s didn’t leave until almost 8pm and Jay’s mom’s parents shortly there after. And… the best part… Grandma Hoerth cake, hehe! It was delicious!!! And… we had left overs! OMG was there gobs and gobs of food left over. Maybe one or two people had contacted me asking what they could bring for food and I told them. The rest didn’t really even bother to RSVP, much less ask if they could bring anything. That was totally okay with me because I found out who was going to be able to make it and who wasn’t and I’m not the type of ‘host’ to say that everyone needs to bring something. So, when I thought no one else was bringing anything, we stocked up on food, wrong choice! We had SO much left over!
I feel like I should share that these photos are straight out of the camera unedited pictures because I usually don’t post anything that is unedited, but I’ve just been taking so many pictures every weekend that I am behind on editing and wanted to share some anyways. Not that they are bad, but oh well, whatever… enjoy!Ayden with his birthday sign that Grandma Michele made for him!
Ayden and Alexis! She will be six in just a few short weeks! Aren’t they so adorable!
Getting some cuddles in with Uncle Casey!
Auntie Emmy was so kind to read Ayden’s cards as he opened them so I could sit and take pictures! He was so excited when he saw he got some money!
And even more excited when he finally opened his Nintendo DS! I kept teasing him all day that he wasn’t getting it, but instead was getting socks and undies from mom and dad, hehe!
Delicious Grandma Hoerth cake! Yummy!!!
On Sunday we went to the Milwaukee Zoo with my mom and sister. My mom’s work sponsors a day for their patrons or whatever you call them each year. (She works for a life insurance agency so everyone who gets life insurance through them gets the cheap tickets.) Anyways, my mom, being an employee, got two free tickets and the other three tickets for only $11 total plus fee parking. That is less than the price of one regular priced adult admission, not including parking. Heck yeah! They also give out free soda and sell food tickets for the food stands at half price. We stocked up on soda and food tickets and spent less than it would have cost just myself, Jay, and Ayden to go on all five of us getting in, eating, and having ice cream! The weather was great and we got to see a lot of the animals! It was overall another great day! But… I was so ready to be home at the end of it because after driving to Milwaukee and back from ‘home’, we still had to drive back to Point that night. Bummer!
Here are some picture from the day!
Ayden and I are enjoying this week… my regular babysitters start school tomorrow and were only able to watch Ayden yesterday so that left me in a bind. I could either take him to work with me for the rest of the week or find someone else to watch him. That’s when it hit me, I thought of my friend Robin who’s son is only a few years older than Ayden. Although he is starting school on Wednesday too, I thought if she was home she might watch Ayden. I asked and she said of course! It’s only for a few short hours today, tomorrow, and Thursday and today she didn’t even have to do much of the watching since Ayden and her son played the whole time. It was super cute and I totally trust her so that makes it easier. That, and Ayden doesn’t have to sit bored at work with me. He’ll have to come with me next Monday and Tuesday, but that is okay, he can deal with that.
He’s been very good the past few days and that makes the days go a lot easier. Of course every child has their days, as with each and every other person on the planet, but I enjoy the good days even more! Who doesn’t?
I’m not looking forward to starting class again in a few short days, but I know that once the semester starts it will be over in the blink of an eye and that is okay with me. I think more than anything, I’m not looking forward to the homework part of it. I like learning the different things, but the whole studying and testing thing sucks mega, lol!
One of my long time penpals/friends from Australia just found out that she will be interning at a museum in Washington D.C. for the month of October this year. We’ve known each other since before Ayden was born… so that’s a long time! Anyways, we’re talking about a possible get together! She’s always travelling and has been to the States a few times now and I told her that she can’t come back and us not meet up! I love Australian’s accents! They are SO cool! Or at least I think so! Anyways, we don’t have anything set yet, but I think it would be super cool to go to DC for a few days or for her to come here! I’d prefer to go there, but that’d cost lots of money for all three of us to go!
Oh, and I finally decided on my next tattoo! I’m so excited, however it is going to cost a little bit, or a lot a bit. It is going to be by far my biggest piece yet and I can’t wait. Of course it will probably be a few months, but that is okay. I found a good place as well, comes with many recommendations and the artists’ galleries are amazing! Plus, I asked a friend of mine who got one done there what hers cost and it was less than I had thought so I’m thinking mine will be reasonable for the size. Tattoos are definitely not for everyone, but them, and piercings are for me, although I think I’m done on the piercings things. I’ve let my nose grow shut as I don’t wear it anymore. This tattoo will not be visible either so I don’t have to worry about work stuff. When I got the one on my wrist I got the ‘lecture’ from my mom about it hampering the possibility of getting a job in the future. I didn’t think it would then and I still don’t because anyone who won’t hire me because of a tattoo that is NOT offensive or covering my entire arm is not a place I want to work anyways. And, in all of the client’s I’ve seen over the last three semesters, I’ve only had a handle of them ask what it was/stands for and never in bad taste. I think that many more people think tattoos are acceptable these days than in previous years. In any case, I wouldn’t redo it, it is a part of me and I still love it! And in fact, even though it is right in front of my eyes everyday, I often forget I even have it! I totally forget about the one on my back the most because I never see it.
Time for some White Collar!
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