Sunday, August 29, 2010

Hoerth Family Rules

Our weekend was lazy yet productive… is that possible?! It wasn’t overly fun or even too enjoyable, but it was nice for us all to be home together for a weekend without having anywhere to go, but by this afternoon I was wishing that we sort of did have a place to go. Ayden was behaving great and playing good. Jay was working outside. And I was…


I could have started to read an assignment or something like that, but heck classes haven’t even started yet! Instead I got started on a project that I had recently seen online. The one online had used a blank canvas, but we didn’t have one of those laying around the house and Jay and I have recently decided to go a month without buying anything that wasn’t necessary (ie: groceries, gas, house hold items like toilet paper) and so it was kind of out of the question to run to the store and get one (even though I really wanted to).

But then I remembered that we have a bunch of scrap plywood in the garage and I went to see if we had a big enough piece. Guess what? We did! I just needed Jay to cut it to size and then round the corners for me, which took all of maybe ten minutes. I then sanded it and painted it and did everything else. I love how it turned out so far, even though I need to put a coat of poly on it yet. The paper isn’t completely flat, which is my fault since I didn’t put them on ‘just so’ like I probably should have, but I think it adds a little character to it.IMG_0881 IMG_0882

I burnt the edges of the paper by myself too and now I have a small burn on my thumb because of it. Did you know that if you light a lighter over and over and over and over, the top becomes hot enough to burn your finger. Oops, but it’s not too bad and I like the effect that it gave the paper.

For the font, I did it on the computer and then printed it off, taped it to the window and put the scrapbook paper over it to trace it like a light box. Like I could write that cool, ha! I maybe would have made the words a little bigger too, but oh well!

Now, I just need to find a place to hang it, as if I don’t have enough stuff on our walls?!IMG_0884Tomorrow… Ayden and I are headed to work together and then off to his well child check up! I almost forgot about that! Oops!