Friday, August 27, 2010

Emergency Room Visit

Jay and I have only had to take Ayden to the emergency room once so far… when he was a baby with a high fever because of an ear infection. Otherwise, any and all other illness have been able to be accommodated by a doctor visit. We thought we were going to have to go once shortly after we moved up to Point when Ayden bit into his lip and Jay started freaking out. He was halfway out the door when I took a closer look and realized it wasn’t nearly as bad as Jay thought it was and didn’t warrant an ER room visit. And so… because of that, I don’t know how to access the ER from their entrance at the hospital in town and so… when we had to go this morning, I took the long way in, smart, right?! I know better for next time, but keeping my fingers crossed its FAR from now.

Why did we decided to visit the emergency room? Oh… we thought it would be a fun thing to do on our Friday morning. It’s not like I had any other plans.

Okay, so that wasn’t really why…

Last night before Ayden went to bed he complained that his head hurt a little bit. I told him to lay down and go to sleep and that we would see how it felt in the morning. Unfortunately, it was A LOT worse this morning. Jay and I were up before Ayden laying in bed when I thought I heard talking or whimpering coming from his room. However, we had the windows open and so we couldn’t determine if it was actually him or if it was coming from outside. We listened a little longer and sure enough, it was Ayden.

We went in there to see what was wrong. Turns out, Ayden couldn’t even get out of bed because his head and neck hurt so bad. Uh-oh, not how I wanted to start my morning. Jay carried him out to the couch and Ayden was in tears. I felt so bad! We decided to wait an hour or so and see if he started to feel better. Jay left for work and I showered. After my shower I asked Ayden if he could get up to go to the bathroom and when he still couldn’t move, I decided it was time to call the doctor. This being only about an hour after he got up. His doctor couldn’t fit him in until the afternoon and didn’t feel comfortable waiting that long so she told us to head to the emergency room.

Off to the ER we were, although I almost turned around and came back home when we got out of the car and Ayden said he was feeling better. Last thing I wanted to do was walk into the ER with a kid who wasn’t showing any symptoms, but thankfully I decided to still have him checked out (because up until then I was neurosis mom thinking the worst was wrong with him) because as we made our way to the ER his head started to hurt pretty bad again.

We were there for about an hour a half, most of it waiting, but that’s okay. The diagnosis turned out to be muscle tension (can’t remember the fancy word the on call doctor used for it) on the right side, which was the side that was hurting him. The doctor said that there really isn’t specific cause for it. Ayden didn’t have any head trauma yesterday, ear pain, or throat pain, so anything viral was ruled out. The doctor said that the muscles on the right side of his neck were a lot more tense than those one his left side and when they are tense they tend to creep up on the scalp which causes the headache. They gave him some ibuprofen and had us wait about a half hour or so to see if it would help any. It did help and we headed home.

Ayden and I both took a nice nap this afternoon and he is feeling much better now. He said his head still hurts a little bit, but he is up and moving around and active. Definitely beats this morning when I had to carry him to the bathroom and he was in tears. :(

I hate seeing my baby in pain so I was happy to hear that it wasn’t anything too bad and that he was feeling better halfway through the morning. Definitely worth the trip to the ER so my little dude feels better. It’s back to his doctor on Monday for his well check visit, which is good I suppose. I told Jay this morning, it was either call the doctor today and take him in or end up at the ER tomorrow when he was still in pain and the doctors are closed. Guess it was the ER today, no problem!

At least the sun was shining today!