Last year my aunt and uncle rented a cottage in a town not too far from where we live and invited us over. We had lots of fun and ended up staying longer than we had planned. Jay had asked me a few weeks ago if he thought they had rented the same cottage again this year and I told him that I thought they had already been there and we were busy that weekend. Well, turns out I was both right and wrong. They had been there, but they had also gone again this last weekend and once again this invited us.
On Saturday, Ayden and I left bright and early to travel back ‘home’ because we were meeting up with one of my friends from grade school that I hadn’t seen in a few months and her little guy. We were going to have a picnic lunch and then she was going to show me her new house. Unfortunately the weather had other plans and we ended up meeting at Mickey D’s and let the kids play there and had lunch there. Afterwards we went to her house and I got the tour and the boys played together for a few hours while my friend and I caught up. It was a nice time and it sucks that we don’t live closer, but I’m just happy we are still as close as we are!
After that I went to drop Ayden off at Jay’s grandparent’s house because they were going to watch him as I headed home. Jay was at a golf tournament all day with his family and a friend and they had plans to go to the after party and so forth so I wasn’t going to sit at his parent’s house all day with Ayden when no one else was going to be there. Instead, Ayden was going to spend the afternoon at great grandma and grandpa’s house before ending up with Jay’s parents that night. From what I heard, Ayden had a great time and caught like seven fish off of the pier. He was fine when I left as well. We are very close with Jay’s grandparents (both sides- although we see his mom’s parents more often because the family is smaller) and for that I am grateful. I and probably mentioned this before, in fact I am almost certain of it, but I feel closer to his grandparents than mine.
In any case, after I dropped Ayden off, I headed back towards Point and stopped off at the cottage my aunt and uncle were at. Just so happened that it was them, their two kids, my dad, brother, sisters (after almost six years it is still weird to say sisters- usually I say my sister and Alexis), another aunt and her two kids, and another aunt and two of her three kids. Lots of people and lots of fun!
Here are some pictures of the fun all of the cousins were having on the lake. I thought about joining them, but the water was too cold for me and then who would have taken the pictures? Hehe!
My brother and two of my cousins attempting to make it out to the raft/platform out in the lake on a tube since there was a lot of seaweed right next to the pier and no one wanted to get in and swim in it out to the platform. Once you got out to the platform there was a LOT less seaweed! Two of my cousins jumping off the platform! The water was pretty deep so most of the kids wore life jackets.
Alexis venturing out to the platform! I was surprised my dad let her go out there without him since last year he wouldn’t let go of her even though she had a life jacket on. She did great and the big kids kept their eyes on her, especially my sister Emily and my brother. She wasn’t going anywhere and she jumped in just as much as everyone else. She’s a fish just like Ayden. He would have had so much fun with these guys, but it didn’t pay for me to drive halfway back to Point, turn around at the end of the day to bring him back to Jay’s parent’s and then drive back to Point myself. He doesn’t know what he missed though since he didn’t know I was going.
My sister being pushed off the platform by another cousin. It was hilarious!
See what I was saying about Alexis having just as much fun?! She let Emily and my cousin, Ryan, throw her off the platform!
The big boys trying to all stand up on the tube, they made it for about two seconds!!!
The girls totally beat the boys!
Rosie, Tyler, Ryan, Alexis, and Emily!
Everyone having fun on the tube! Don’t know where they thought we were going to go though!
A bald eagle we saw flying over the lake! Wish I had a higher power zoom lens to get even closer, but oh well… I did what I could and thought they turned out pretty well!
More later… I slept like crap last night, so its time to take advantage of having no kiddo at home and my ability to nap.
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