Sunday, October 31, 2010

Self Portrait

I was in need of a new facebook picture… okay, so that’s a lame excuse. I just wanted a new picture of myself that I thought I looked good in. Doesn’t happen very often as I am usually the one behind the camera. So… I took one last night and played around with it this morning.

Here is the SOOC (straight out of the camera) shot…IMG_2549Not too shabby. I’m digging the hat for this picture, but don’t really have any other place to wear it so I’m probably going to return it (tags still attached in the back). Coloring is a little ‘warm’ too me. Maybe too much red, but overall, thought I could probably ‘spice’ it up in photoshop and lightroom.

And here is the after…IMG_2549-2I opened the picture up in photoshop first and cloned the bathroom door in the rest of the picture so you wouldn’t see the bathroom wall at all, or the towel rack. After some futzing around with that, I found a texture that I liked and opened that up and put it over the top of the picture and decreased the overlay percentage a little bit so it wasn’t as dark. I saved it and opened it up in lightroom where I converted it to a black picture, moved a few brightness and contrast sliders… and here we go! I know, a bunch of mumbo jumbo, but oh well!

I rather like the picture (although I just did notice that my nose looks kind of big… I hate my nose, haha). I had fun editing it too, but I have fun editing anything, haha!

Waiting for my boys to get home so we can do some trick or treating! Off to watch Twilight now because I don’t want to do any homework!