Friday, February 3, 2012

{another month}

IMG_4942I am in awe of the fact that it is February already! Where in the world did January go to?! I cannot complain that it is already February though because February, March, and April (and one or two weeks in May) and my last semester on campus is OVER! Time will fly this semester, I am sure of it!

It definitely helps that the weather we have been having is GOREGOUS and totally unexpected for this time of year. If you know me at all, you know I am NOT a cold weather person. I am ALWAYS cold in the winter and so these mild temperatures have been my saving grace. From the current forecast, it looks like it could be pretty mild for the next few weeks and that just means that much less of actual Wisconsin winter weather. Smiles all around please, haha!

I have been a bit busier this week with clinic starting. I have to say, I think I am going to love my placement. Actually, I already do. It is exactly the type of patients that I want to be seeing. After the 'hiccup' of my B+ clinic grade last semester, I was coming into clinic a little less confident that I should have been. But after my first two days, I am feeling right at home. I think it helps that the audiologists at this place have been teaching students at their facility consistently for the last 5-7 years so they know what to expect from a student stand point. At my last placement, they had had students before; however, it was about three years since their last one. That is not to say that I did not enjoy my last placement or my supervisor because I did, I just don't know if she expected more out of me or what. Anyways, I've already spent too much time analyzing why I got a B+ for my clinic grade and getting no where... enough of that!

I am so behind on laundry at our house that it isn't funny! Ayden has been digging through baskets of clean clothes all week for socks and underwear! I have three clean loads that need to be folded and put away and at least three or four loads that need to be washed. Oops! That is what I get for not doing any wash last weekend after I got home. Oh well. My goal is to get caught up on it today after lunch. Or at least to start it.

Jay made some super yummy homemade chicken noodle soup for supper last night. Seriously, the BEST homemade soup I have EVER tasted! So delicious that I could have probably eaten seven bowls of it last night. I stopped myself after two though. I think roast beef is on the menu tonight...

I met with my capstone advisor this week and it looks like my project is right on track. Actually, I think I am ahead of the majority of my classmates who are doing a capstone project right now. I know that I have a lot of work in front of me yet, but I'm not too worried. My classes are progressing smoothly and at this point in the semester I see no reason why I shouldn't get an 'A' in both classes.