Tuesday, February 14, 2012

{a great valentine’s day}

I wish I could say that lots of fun and exciting things have been going on and I could blog about those, but no such thing! At any rate, despite that, I am having a much better week than last and it is only Tuesday so that is probably a good sign, right?! Let's just say yes!

Jay finally got home last night after supper and we spent the rest of the night as a family chilling in front of the TV. It was nice to see him again after a few days. Heck, who am I kidding, missed him like crazy! Ayden and I got his homework and Valentine's done earlier in the night so we could just chill later on. Jay brought home some good news. He had met up with a potential employer in the area where we will be moving to and without trying to jinx it, things are looking very good. He is hoping to hear something by the end of the week for sure. Keep your fingers crossed for us because this would be a great job for him and a great fit for our family!

We also exchanged Valentine's gifts with each other last night (even though I had wanted to wait until today). Jay was pretty adamant about it last night so I let him and then I was too excited to wait to give him and Ayden their gifts so I caved too. Jay got me this beautiful necklace. IMG_5091He's got a pretty good track record when it comes to picking out jewelry for me if I don't say so myself! He also picked up the Breaking Dawn DVD for me on my way home, but that was more because I knew he was stopping at Wal-Mart and I had asked him to pick it up for me.

I had made two things for him. One was a picture album of me in it from a photo shoot I had done with a friend a while back and finally got edited and printed and the other one was 52 Things I Love about him. IMG_5065He's also getting a bigger crock pot (per his request), but we still need to go and look at one later this week when my Kohl's coupon starts. 30% off this time and crock pots on sale for $20! Heck yeah!

I had gotten Ayden two Diary of a Wimpy Kid books and a new beyblade. He was pretty excited about the beyblade... I don't know about the books, haha! But I know that he will enjoy reading them with me or Jay.

Here is a funny story for today. This morning while I was getting ready in the bathroom Ayden was out in the living room watching some morning cartoons. All of a sudden he marches up to the bathroom door and says that I called him crazy. I hadn't said anything to him up to that point so I told him that I didn't call him anything. Then he holds up the 52 reasons thing I made for Jay and told me that it said 'you put up with my crazy family' and that since Ayden was my family I was calling him crazy! Too funny! I thought it was cute that he put the connections together, even though I wasn't referring to him, and then I thought it was even cuter when he went to go sit back down on the couch and he continued to read the rest of the things I had put on the cards. To see him reading something on his own accord was great since it is something we try so hard on at home. I just smiled. It made my morning. (Well, that, and the fact that I didn't have to be to clinic until 9:30am because that was when our first patient was, although the rest of the day made up for the later start time because we were busy all day.) Side note... hugs from grateful patients are the best! :)

Hope everyone reading had a great Valentine’s Day as well!