Saturday, February 4, 2012


When you continuously see someone contort their life to fit perfectly with someone else's over and over again, how do you tell him or her that you do not agree with how they live their life? Correct answer: you don't. Ashley answer: you don't, you hold it in, and then when you can no longer, you blog about it in as subtle terms as you can, ha! Okay, maybe I shouldn't blog about it either, it isn't fair to the person with whom I do not agree.

Case in point, I just got done telling someone that they need to care less about other people's lives and concentrate on their own instead. Make the most out of your life and quit bitching about other people and what you think they should be doing. Heed your own advice dear woman... you think I would be able to do that, but no.

So, maybe instead of bitching about how I think other people should be running their own lives, I am doing to just take a step back from these particular situations and try and take my own advice. People who are not me and not connected in my daily living can do whatever they please whether I agree with it or not. I'm sure, wait I KNOW, I've done many a thing that people have probably not agreed with. Case in point again... getting pregnant in high school (whether or not it was something I actually intended on doing).

Okay, needed to get little rant out. Think I'm good. Think I may finally need to do what I've been telling myself to do all along, but just can't...