Sunday, February 12, 2012

{woe is me}

Disclaimer: This post is going to contain more whining than anything and if you’d prefer to not read it, I’d stop now. I’ll be the first to admit I have nothing to complain about in the overall grand scheme of my life, but everyone is allowed to have a bad day (or week) and vent about it.

I have to say that the culmination of my downer week was probably the weekend. I had wanted my weekend to turn my overall craptastic mood from this week around, but I think it only made things worse.

Don’t get me wrong, my weekend was not all bad. I did have a great time bowling with my bestie from high school and her son Saturday afternoon. It was great to be able to spend a bit of time together and I think both of our little guys had a great time together. It was a bummer that she had to go to work, but neither of us had control over that and I’m glad that we still decided to get together when she found out she had to work instead of rescheduling. I really needed those few hours!

Saturday night was relaxing too. Ayden and I spent it at my mom’s house chilling out and watching TV. Ayden had a great time with Uncle Casey and I spent the majority of my time non stop talking with my mom. I think she probably thinks I never shut up, ha! We even watched the movie The Hangover and I have to say that it was a lot funnier than I thought it was going to be and not quite as stupid as I had anticipated it was.

Today I was supposed to get together with three of my friends from graduate school and that plan kind of fell through. The plan was to meet at the mall at 11am. Turns out one person was sick and another one needed to stay home with her son. That left me and one other friend. I was ready to just reschedule, but we decided against it and were still going to meet. Fine and dandy, however this particular person does not know how to run on time and as much as I try not to let it bother me, 11am does not mean 1pm! Honestly, it just pissed me off. Um, its not like I don’t have my own life and other plans and can just push everything back by two hours because you don’t find it necessary to be on time. Okay, so maybe I’m going a little over board and I'm just letting my previously bad mood make things seem worse than what they really were. I don’t know, it just irritated me.

We got together for a quick lunch and that was really it. Truthfully, given my mood by that point in time, it was a waste of a day for me. After lunch I ran over to the mall because I wanted to find something for Ayden for Valentine’s Day and find some boots for myself. I found a pair of boots that I really liked, but the price was… $170! Really?!?! $170?!?! Um, I think not! I found something for Ayden and was happy with that and was going to leave, but on my way out of the mall, I happened past the Maurices store. I had been to the Maurices near us last week and didn’t find anything I wanted/liked enough to buy. This Maurices had a lot more selection to chose from and on a whim I decided to see if they had any boots I liked. Turned out they did and even though they were $60, I wanted them bad enough that I was willing to pay that much for them. I also happened upon the coat that I had seen at our Maurices but couldn’t justify buying because it too cost $60. Today I just said screw it and needed something to make me feel better. What is better than a little retail shopping?! Whatever I thought, I was going to charge it! Ha!

Time for the surprise of the day… the boots were on sale for $10 and the lady at the cashier gave me 20% off my final price even though I didn’t have my coupon with me so my total for the boots and coat was just over $60! SCORE! That literally made my day SO worth it… because believe me, the boots and coat are SUPER cute!

To top off my crappy weekend, I was ‘home’ and so was Jay but do you want to know how much time we actually saw each other… NOT A MINUTE!!!!!! You cannot count the time we spent in bed together because I went to bed before him Friday night and he went to bed before me on Saturday night. Wonderful, right?! Just made my weekend even better. (I told you, whiny, didn’t I? You were forewarned.)

I did get most of my required homework done. I just need to format the document before I submit it and it isn’t due until Tuesday morning so I have tomorrow to do that. Won’t take but maybe 15 minutes.

Best part of the weekend, hugs and smooches from my favorite little guy! He keeps me going no matter how down I am feeling. He can put a smile on my face during any moment of the day and that is all that matters right now. He’s just so silly and cute! Life wouldn’t be complete without him!

And with that, I will quit complaining about what is a seemingly perfectly great and normal life and say that tomorrow is a new day and I WILL make it better!