Saturday, February 18, 2012

{you know that point}

That point when you realize things HAVE to change. I've gotten to that point in multiple facets of my life recently and it feels kind of liberating. Insert smilely face here, hehe!

Six days ago I stepped on the scale and it read 119.4. Ugh! After all of my hard work over the course of the last nineish months to get to a weight that I wanted it sucked to see it creep back up. At first I just put up with it. I was no longer working out. I started eating like crap again. Puke! But I refused to let the scale read out 120... so I knew something had to change. Because I had tried to start working out over the last two and a half months a few times with my Turbo Fire program and hadn't succeeded in getting past working out two days in a row I knew that I needed to try something different. This time I decided to work back up to the Turbo Fire program and before jumping back into that I would go through Jillian Michael's Ripped in 30 program again. I had done this before and liked it well enough and thought I could pull of working out 20 minutes each day for a month... work back into working out. I won't lie and say that I wasn't tempted into getting Jillian Michael's new 90 day program that she just launched because it looks pretty neat (you know how easy it is to fall into the trap of wanting to try every new workout program you see), but I didn't. I already have a few of her DVD's and the Turbo Fire program. I am proud to say that I worked out Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and today this week. I did not work out yesterday, despite the fact that I sort of wanted to. I workout best at night (getting up earlier than I need to in the morning is hard for me, I like my sleep too much) and Ayden and I went to a movie last night and didn't get home until almost 9pm. No excuse, I know, but it is suggested that you not workout EVERY day of the week. So, Friday was my day 'off'. Despite the fact that the scale only read 119.0 this morning, I am still proud of myself for making it past day two! My goal weight is still 115 and at some point I will get there, but I am not really dieting this time around. I really restricted myself when I lost the weight the first time around and it wasn't any fun. This time I am watching more of what I eat, but chocolate is not off limits. I haven't had soda in a while and am trying to drink more water. I AM measuring out my cereal in the morning and usually having a Lean Cuisine and an apple for lunch during the week so I sort of know my calorie count for the first half of my day and then trying to moderate my portion at supper time as to not over eat. The number on the scale is important to me, I can't lie and say that it isn't, but being healthy is more important and even working out for 20 minutes a day this week has made for a happier me. Anyone can do anything for 20 minutes, right?! I know I've written again and again about working out, so sue me, but it's my blog, I write what is on my mind at any give moment and tonight this is on my mind.

As I said, Ayden and I went to see a movie last night. We saw Journey 2: The Mysterious Island in 3D and it was really cute. I really liked the first movie, Journey to the Center of the Earth and knew this one would probably be cute too. It is definitely a good family movie to go to. It's been a fun mommy and me weekend so far. We had a mostly lazy day today which was nice. I've been pretty productive this week with regards to school so I knew that I could afford to do a bunch of nothing today. The weather was so nice though that at some point this afternoon I suggested that Ayden and I go for a walk and walk we did. We walked for about a mile and a half and it felt great. It was a little cold on our way back since we were walking into the little breeze there was, but it was a really great time for me and Ayden. As we were walking along and I was watching him scooter ahead of me through the puddles I realized just how grown up he has become in the last few years. My little man has grown up right before my eyes... seven and a half years old and I cannot believe it! He has the most amazing things to say sometimes and it always starts with 'hey momma'. Sometimes I sit and wonder just where the time has gone and what the future holds for my amazing little guy. What will he be like a few years from now? Will he still want to cuddle with his mommy on the couch? My absolute favorite thing to do with Ayden right now is read. We just started The Diary of a Wimpy Kid and he is doing so great with his reading. I couldn't be more proud! And out of the blue he will just come up to me and give me a hug or want to cuddle with me on the couch. Makes a momma melt EVERY time! Makes a momma realize what is important in life and what isn't. Make a momma revel in the fact that no matter how bad her day is going, one smile can make everything better! Best part of my long days at clinic... coming home and getting a hug the second I walk in the door! (I remember waiting for my mom to get home from work after a long day and greeting her.)

Time is fleeting and I'm moving forward, no longer backward! Best days yet to come!