Thursday, February 9, 2012

{you know...}

I have homework that I could be working on, but instead I am blogging. I think there is something wrong with that, don't you?! Alas, I'm not really in the mood to do homework and it isn't due until Tuesday morning at the latest so in theory that gives me all of Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday to complete something that will probably only take me 30 minutes. Maybe I will make use of my time tonight and instead of spending it lounging in front of the TV from the moment I get home to the moment I decide to crawl into bed. That, and I have laundry and packing for the weekend to get done before tomorrow night. Such is the life of a mom and graduate student, eh?

I have been feeling very blah so far this week and it hasn't helped my mood any. Last night it was especially bad. I think we all were a little crabby in our household. Ayden didn't want to eat what we were having for supper, Jay was yelling when he didn't need to be, and it all just soured my mood and so I went to bed super early. Like crawled into bed before 8pm (even though I watched TV until almost 10pm) and then I ended up sleeping like crap. The sleep I got was good, but I kept waking up. I think I was afraid that for some reason my alarm wasn't going to go off and that I would be late for clinic this morning. It also sucked because I had to get up an hour earlier because I had to drive farther this morning. I feel like I was awake and looking at my clock more than a dozen times last night. Insert sad face here, haha!

I am MORE than ready for this weekend! I am meeting up with one of my besties from high school and her son early Saturday afternoon for a game or two of bowling! Then Ayden and I are heading over to my mom's house for the rest of the day. On Sunday I am getting together with three more of my besties for an afternoon of girl talk and just venting. We got together last just before Christmas and I am surprised that another six months hasn't gone by before our next gathering. We all have families and so it is hard to coordinate our schedules so we all have time to get together. But we did and I am so thankful for it because I always leave our get togethers feeling a million times better. Friends make the world a better place!

I think just having some plans for the weekend is making me excited. We haven't done anything super fun for a couple of weekends so getting out and seeing some different people gets us out of our rut of staying home and getting on each others nerves the whole weekend which is bound to happen if we stay home this weekend. I can feel it already!

The weather has just been cold these last few days and I hate it! Ugh! At least we haven't gotten any more snow so I should be happy about that.

For some reason my school email will not work on my phone or my tablet today and it is driving me nuts. It seems like I can still receive messages, but it doesn't work to send any out and it is extremely frustrating right now. This happens every now and then and I do not know why. What I do know is that it is increasingly more annoying each time is happens because it takes me forever to figure out how to get it working again, ha! Stupid technolog is our best friend and our worst enemy most of the time!

I suppose that along with completing my homework this weekend, I should probably also work a bit on my capstone stuff. I had a meeting with my advisor that went well and now I have some more direction to move in. Pretty happy about that!