Thursday, May 24, 2012

{against my better judgement}

This week has been all about relaxation and enjoying the sunshine (and maybe a little apartment cleaning) so far and I highly intend on keeping it the same for the rest of the week.
Against my better judgement, I have not done a work out since last Friday (my run), although I'm sure I worked out enough on Saturday and Sunday during the move and I do not intend on doing another work out until this coming Saturday. Reason being, I am enjoying my relaxation and sunshine WAY too much. This will most likely be my last week off in a LONG time and I want to fully soak in no stress of school, no stress of clinic, no stress whatsoever! And it has been great! (Minus the fact that getting lost in a good book in the sunshine has left me with some painful thighs from sunburn, haha.) It helps that when I put on a pair of jean shorts this morning in a size 9, they almost fell off! Makes me feel good that they are so loose! It was the first pair of jean shorts that I had tried on so far this summer!

Furthermore, against my better judgement, I have started reading the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy. I had heard many different things about this series and the reviews I read about it on Amazon were SO back and forth. I didn't really think the books would be for me from what I had read (although I thought the same thing about the Twilight books before I read them, and then I ended up rereading the third and fourth books multiple times). Let me tell you... Fifty Shades of Grey is total SMUT and I have been thoroughly sucked in. Haha! Seriously, its really too bad Jay is living in Chilton right now. Lol, sorry, TMI!

My days this week have been all the same. Go to work in the morning for a few hours, go home, sit outside in the sun and get sucked into the world of Anastasia Steele and Christian Grey for a few hours, clean the house a bit, pick up Ayden and chill with him at night while trying to sneak in some more Ana and Christian before going to bed and repeating it all over again in the morning. Honestly, I couldn't have asked for any better weather this week for sitting outside and reading. I do have a feeling that getting sucked into these books has made the week go faster. I have to say that I have watched little to no TV, I haven't turned on my laptop. In fact, the only time I am actually on the computer is when I am at work. I get my fill of Facebook through my phone, and even that has been minimal during the day. People, I am addicted to this trilogy! I just might cry when it is over, haha!

I am about 3/4 of the way through the second book and plan on finishing that today and possibly starting the third one too, but I have told myself that after I finish the second book today that I will finish my cleaning. I have the shower, toliet, vanity top, one window, kitchen floor, kitchen counter tops, and living room floor to clean yet. It may sound like a lot, but we have minimal counter tops, so washing them will take less than five minutes. Our vanity is small, so same. The living room floor just needs to be vacuumed tomorrow morning... five minutes or less. Our kitchen floor is small enough, so I'm thinking mopping that will take less than a half hour. The window, small... 10 minutes... It is the toliet and shower that will take longer... thinking an hour or less for both. So it is maybe about two hours worth of cleaning. Let me tell you though, if I never smell Pinesol again, it will be too soon, haha!

I am mostly just craving to sleep on my own bed again, haha! Okay, so I am more than ready to have my family put back together! After 60 days of living apart, we are ready to be whole again. I had no idea how I was going to make it through the end of the semester being a single parent for two months, but Ayden and I banded together and we made it. I managed straight 'A's this semester which is awesome! The stress has lifted for the time being.

I know that in one of my last posts I had a mini mental breakdown about how scared I was about moving away from Stevens Point. Over the course of this week and after moving everything into our new house, I am not as scared anymore. Yes, it will be different and new, but it will also be great and wonderful. We have so many family members that are excited for us to be closer and it warms my heart. We have so many old and new friends waiting for us as well. Despite the fact that I said I would never move back to Chilton, I can feel the love and welcoming arms open and waiting for us to return 'home'. Returning to ones home town is not in the cards for everyone, but I know and feel in my heart that it is right for us at this point in our lives. I will still miss Stevens Point A LOT, but I am feeling so much more at peace about the whole thing.

I look at my post count since January and have realized that I tend to follow a pattern... at the beginning of the year, I tend to post a lot more during the month. My guess is that it is because in January I am not in class for the majority of the time and have more free time. Then as the semester starts up again, my free time diminishes and I do not blog as much. Now it is almost the end of May and I have blogged half as much as I did in January and it makes me sad. I LOVE blogging. I love reading blogs and I love writing my blog.

I know that part of the reason that I haven't blogged much this month is due to the fact that the majority of it has been the same. Who wants to read the same thing over and over every day? I would probably lose the few readers I do have if I wrote 'I woke up, went to school, came home, went to bed' over and over every day. Although, I know I shouldn't be worried about the number of readers I have since I mostly write this blog for myself as an outlet. But, truth be told, it does make me feel good when I know at least a few people happened upon my blog during the day and continue to read.

What is funny is that I have a whole list of blogs that I read on a daily basis... most of them I 'lurk' on, which means I am not a normal commentor... I have been reading these blogs for a few years now and to be honest, I feel like I know these people on some level. For some reason I happened upon their blog, got hooked, and continue to read. Call my crazy, but I love the world of blogging and don't plan on stopping any time soon!