Sunday, May 13, 2012


The semester is over and I can take a deep breath and relax, for the next two weeks that is. Part of me wishes that I wouldn't have decided to start my externship so soon after this semester has ended and maybe given myself another week, but the other part of me knows that the earlier I start the sooner I will get done and get a job.

Capstone day went well. I am still kind of reeling from the fact that in all likelihood I will not see most or maybe all of my Madison classmates ever again and to be honest it is kind of sad. When I started graduate school I sort of felt like we would not really bond because we were on seperate campuses, but three years later and even though we only see each other through a TV screen the majority of the time, we kind of all became one. I have to say, I will definitely miss them. But I know that we all are SO ready to move on with our lives, especially after the craptastic last semester that we had.

But back to capstones... we all survived and I think that we all did a pretty darn good job as well! SO happy to have that over with though. Glad that the stress of that is off of our shoulders. Now it is a waiting game for our Praxis scores to see if I passed that or not.

It has been a good weekend so far. It is Mother's Day today and I sit and look at my little man and I feel like I could not be more blessed! No matter what kind of day I am having he knows how to cheer me up. This morning he came into the bedroom and came over to the bed and gave me a big hug and the first thing he said was Happy Mother's Day... too sweet. On a side note though, over the past couple of weeks it has become habit for him to come crawl into bed with me for about a half hour in the morning before we both get up. This morning it wasn't overly early so instead of both of us just laying there in silence while I tried to go back to sleep, we started teasing each other and just had a good time cuddling for a little while. He is just too cute!

Yesterday we were able to get the keys to our new house and I couldn't be more excited. The house turned out awesome and I cannot wait to get settled in. It is an old house, a very old house, so it is not perfect. There are definitely things that I wish could be better or newer, but overall I know that it will fit us great for at least the next year. For exampe, our bedroom door does not latch shut because it has shifted in the frame, the stairs are really steep, etc etc etc, but overall the character of the house wins out. Just walking through it yesterday left me smiling!

My sister's graduation party was also yesterday and I had a great time sitting down and talking to family without any stress of school or moving or anything over my head. Yes, I still harbor stress about moving since we have SO much work to do yet, but I am putting all of that on the back burner right now. It will get done. In the mean time, I am going to enjoy these next two weeks 'off' and just chill. I will have to go to work, but my current job is not stressful and then I will pack and clean in the afternoon. As fast as I want the next two weeks to go so we can be living as one family again, I want them to go slow too. I know that this week will probably go fast because Ayden and I have something going on every night, but that is good, since being at home at night is when I tend to pig out on food.

I did pretty good this past week with working out and eating good. I 'slipped' up eating Thursday night and Ayden and I had Arby's, but the thing was that after I picked him up from Great Escape at school we stopped at home to drop his backpack off and then went fishing with Cub Scouts until about 7pm and then I didn't want to cook after that. Then on Friday night I made pasta and I just needed a good bowl or two of that after capstone day. What I didn't 'need' was the pint of Ben and Jerry's ice cream that I ate for dessert, hehe! I used Friday as my off day from working out and then thought I woudn't work out on Saturday either, but I was up and on my bike by 7:30am and did a 15 mile bike ride! I had previously only biked 12 miles, but as I was biking, I kept telling myself, what is three more miles, you can do it. And so I just kept going and going until I hit 7.5 miles (we have a super nice path in Stevens Point that goes straight for just about that long) and then I turned around. What I had anticpated on was how hard the bike ride back home was going to be as I was biking into a pretty strong wind the whole way back. But I watched the odometer on my bike keep ticking up and up and kept telling myself, one less mile, you can do this. Those last three miles almost killed me though, hehe! I got home and was SO proud of myself. 15 miles is quite the feat! I couldn't feel my legs afterwards and my butt hurt, but it still felt good. I think that if I am going to continue to ride for that far or that long, I might need to invest in a different bike seat though.

I was talking with my grandma yesterday and she said something about if I lose anymore weight I will fly away. Well, I told her that I wasn't planning on losing anymore weight, but the comment still kind of got to me. I worked damn hard to get to where I am and I am proud of it. I like what I see in the mirror and I do not feel that I am underweight for my height and build. Also, I am NOT anorexic or have an eating problem. I eat... A LOT and I eat both healthy and non healthy foods. So, thank you grandma for your concern, but you have no idea. I mean, did you see my biceps yesterday?! Haha! The one muscle that I love on my body right now. Its as if there is no happy medium for anyone these days. Can I not be healthy and look how I look?! Oh well, I will just try and forget it. My grandparents are known to just talk and not think. Oops.

Time to finish getting ready and head to my mom's house to celebrate Mother's Day with her! Pictures of my classmates, the house, and a few other things coming soon as I am blogging from my tablet right now and it is hard to upload pictures decently on here.