Monday, May 21, 2012

{phase one: complete}

We had a super busy and productive weekend and I am exhausted! And, Ayden and I have officially made our last drive INTO Point (for at least awhile) tonight and it was a bitter sweet feeling.

I am currently sitting on a blow up bed that is in our living room with a table lamp as my only light and the TV set up on a box of legos. Good living, right? (Okay, so I was sitting like that last night and then got caught up in a TV show that was on and didn't finish blogging, oops!)

Oh wait, I didn't mention that there is a lawn chair set up and a make shift table for Ayden to use. Haha! We are definitely living the high life this week, that is for sure! Ayden is currently sleeping on his own blow up mattress in a room that has a bag full of clothes and a few toys. Our basement is empty, except for a mop and bucket, my bedroom is empty except for the vaccum cleaner, the kitchen is empty except for a small selection of food and a few eating utensils, and the garage is empty except for our bikes. The cat isn't even at our house any longer.

Our wonderful family helped us move everything else to the new place today (yesterday). There is no way Jay and I would have been able to move everything ourselves in such a short time. NO WAY! I cannot thank our family enough for all of their help! My mom came up to to help pack and clean twice and then one more trip to help move more of the big stuff. Jay's parents came up twice this weekend with a trailer to help move. The help iteslf means a lot, but with the price of gas and these people driving gas hog trucks and hauling trailers, it means even more! Despite all of the hard work everyone put in this weekend, it was pretty stress free and overall I had a very good weekend. Am I glad that the majority of the heavy lifting and moving boxes from one house to another is over. Now comes the unpacking part which can be both fun and exhausting in itself.

I have stared to go through some stuff and put things in the places that I think I want them. It will take a good month or so to get everything where it belongs and to feel really settled in, but life is usually like that when you move. It is fun and exciting trying to decide where to put everything. It will come. And it seems like Diesel, our cat, has made the transition pretty easily as well. He was very skittish at first with everyone in and out of the house and so many boxes and the new surroundings, but I expected him to be as much. Later in the day after everyone had left and it settled down, he came out more to explore and check things out. I even saw him use his litter box which was my biggest concern.

I think my younger sister Alexis is in love with us living right down the street. My dad and her came over both Saturday and Sunday and Alexis ended up staying later and playing with Ayden. I think those two are going to get into a lot of trouble together this summer, hehe! But that is totally okay with me. I think she was sad that Ayden and I had to come back to Point for another week because she didn't want to go home quite yet when we left last night. I told her she could maybe sleep over this Friday once we are there for good. It really helped to have her there to keep Ayden company while everyone was moving boxes in and out. They kept each other busy and Ayden was outside the majority of the day instead of inside watching TV.

Ayden and I have a semi busy week ahead of us as well. Tonight, I think we are going to ride our bikes to the beach for one last time. Tomorrow is his Spring concert at school and then tomorrow night is looking for baby fawns with Cub Scouts and grilling out with them. I would like to get together with one of my friends on Wednesday or Thursday before we leave Point and then Thursday night is going out to eat at Golden Corral. Then... Friday... it's heading to our new home!

Can't believe my externship starts next week! Gah!