Monday, May 7, 2012

{final week}

Today marks the final week of my third year of graduate school. The FINAL week. This week marks the last week of in class lectures I will have to sit through (minus any continuing education I’ll need to get in the coming years to keep my license up to date). It marks the last time I will be in the same room as all of my classmates. It will be the last time I sit in class with Katie and make class go faster by searching for things in Pinterest, haha!

This week is capstone week. Ugh! Haha! In all honesty, at this point in the week (Monday), I am geared up and ready to give my presentation. Ask me that on Friday morning and I will probably tell you something completely different. I just want it done and over with though. Ready to move on. Actually, just ready to MOVE!

This past weekend my mom came up to help pack and clean again. (World’s best mom award!) We were super productive and got almost the entire basement cleaned out. The only things left down there are big things that we couldn’t move up, like the futon, washer, dryer, a desk, etc… really just a handful of things. We also got the basement pretty much cleaned too. Another score!

On top of that basement being empty, we also packed away the majority of our kitchen as well and cleaned the empty cupboards. Our garage is almost packed to the brim with boxes and it should make moving next weekend a little easier and faster. I’m also hoping that we can get a lot of the place cleaned as well that weekend.

We have our tv and internet scheduled to be hooked up at the new place and we will be saving over $50 on that per month which is awesome! We will also be getting super fast internet. Our internet right now is okay, not super fast for uploading pictures, but it works. I am excited for it to be a bit faster. We are getting rid of our DVR and I know that I will miss it at first, but I will get over that. Quite honestly, it was a luxury that we didn’t need.

I’ve also registered for my ‘classes’ for this summer and fall. By that, I mean, I registered for my externship and my online seminar. Yes, unfortunately, I will be paying full time student tuition while I work 40 hours a week without getting paid. So fair, right?!

Another thing crossed off the list of things to do is change our address. Our mail will start to be forwarded by the middle of next week. Each day makes the move seem that much more real. I mean, in my head I know that it is going to happen. We have boxes everywhere and we have a new place to live, but the unrealistic person in me sometimes wants to believe that it isn’t true. After being at one place for three years, it is hard to fathom that in just a few weeks we are moving back across the state instead of just across town. EVERYTHING will be different, not just our house. I think that that is what scares me the most. Adjusting to a new city, although its not really new, I grew up there.

I talked with my mom this weekend about moving back and having everyone crowd in on us because we are back in town. I told her that I was most scared about losing the independence we have had as our own little family here in Stevens Point. We only had each other and I loved that. It was always just the three of us. I want to keep that same independence moving back home and I hope that all of our families realize that. Okay, so I know my mom and probably my dad won’t be overbearing, it is just not who they are. I know I’ve expressed these concerns on here before though. I hate to be a repeating record all of the time…

I jumped right back onto the workout and eating good bandwagon yesterday. I did pretty good for being home all day too. Ready to bust out the rest of the week in just as good of a fashion too! Feeling much more energetic about working out this week and eating better too! Best part, scale was my friend this morning!