I have to admit, going into my ultrasound today I was extremely nervous about what I would see on the screen. I had no sign or symptoms that there would or should be anything wrong, but I simply could not shake the thought that maybe something had happened to that precious growing baby in the last couple of weeks. Of course, I still had the daily reminder of not feeling like myself, but it had been four weeks since I’d seen the flicker of a heart beat on the screen and my little gummy bear waving around his or her little nubs.
And I was worried for nothing.
I’ve googled/seen enough 12 week ultrasounds to know what to expect on the screen as far as what the little nudger would/should look like and the second the ultrasound tech placed that wand on my stomach, he/she popped up in all his/her glory! There he/she was, looking absolutely perfect and I could not take my eyes off of the screen. It was pure bliss. I was in awe. It has been almost 10 years since I’ve been pregnant and they didn’t do/have these high tech ultrasounds 10 years ago. I had a quick ultrasound completed when I found out I was pregnant with Ayden to confirm there was only one baby and then the routine anatomy scan at around 20 weeks of which I only got one profile shot.
This time I walked away with a cd full of images. I couldn’t believe it!
Our little nudger (although I’m not feeling any movement yet, and am not likely to for another couple of weeks or longer, as I found out I have an anterior placenta… ie: it’s towards my stomach, so baby has to punch through extra padding for me to be able to feel him or her) was moving and grooving the entire appointment. He or she may only be about three inches in length right now, but it is quite an amazing three inches!
Here is a body shot with the little one’s face turned away. He/she was being camera shy for awhile. They must know that momma is a crazy photographer and that once he/she is born, there will be no escaping the camera! Haha! A semi face shot, with an arm going across it, once again trying to block the picture! Too cute! I mean seriously, even semi alien looking, I am in awe!
Love this profile shot with the little feet showing.
I walked away from the appointment with this silly smirk on my face. I couldn’t believe that I had just spent the last 45 minutes watching this little one squirming around on the screen. I am still trying to wrap my head around the fact that there is this little nudger growing inside me. I mean, yes, I’ve known full well since the beginning of August that I’m pregnant, but despite several positive tests, one confirming ultrasound already, and some pretty bad morning sickness and bloating, and tiredness, and even some cravings, it just hasn’t seemed all that real. Does that make sense?
I’m even more excited now than I was this morning. Is that even possible?!
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