Ahhh... the relief that comes with the end of the week! Well that, and the fact that I do not have any classes today helps just a little bit too. Normally I am supposed to have a class from 9am-11am... my hearing assessment lab, however with the WSHA Fall Update going on today it got cancelled. How sweet is that? Definitely helps my week and it has been a long week at that.
Normally I'm a glass half full kind of person, and well I'd like to think that at this point in the semester I still am, but it has been a long three weeks already. And if the first three weeks are long, what is the rest of the semester going to be like? We are just getting into a routine of things and I'm not liking it very much. Okay, so I lie, I can handle it, things are not THAT bad, but some days are worse than others and having two long days in a row are tough. Lets face it, the last four years here in Point have been relatively easy. I don't have a full time job and I go to school. Of course these past years have had their rough spots and times that I didn't think I could make it through, but that is not what I'm getting at. The point I'm trying to make is that my days have in no way been LONG. Like gone from the house long. More often than not, I'd be gone for the day for four or five hours tops. Daycare is expensive so every second that I didn't NEED to be on campus was spent keeping Ayden out of daycare and the expenses down. And in all reality, I didn't NEED to be on campus all that much. College is a breeze when it comes to classes... no more eight hour school days... class from 9-11 and that's it... oh yeah!
And now... I'm on campus A LOT more than I'm used it. It works out fine because there is no more daycare with Ayden in school, but it makes for a LONG day that I haven't really acclimated to yet. Which means for an early bed time, because lets face it... I am SO not an early morning person. I have no idea how I once was able to get up at 5:30am! Of course then I was going to bed a lot earlier as well... typical bed time now is between 10pm and midnight, although earlier these last two nights because I've just been too tired.
Yesterday was my clinic day and it turned into a much longer day than I thought it would be. Started out at 8am with our weekly clinic meeting. The meeting was really just an hour long waste of time. We had to read over this article and then discuss it and although I actually read the article and found it semi interesting, I didn't think that we needed to waste that amount of time talking about it. Just busy work for already busy grad students. Then, Dustin and I had clinic from 9am until noon. We had to hearing aid checks before the UMOS kids were supposed to come again at 10am. The first HAC ran long and I felt bad for the second appointment because we saw him last week and his appointment got pushed back then as well. Thankfully his check went quickly and we sent him out the door happy, I think. We even had time to spare before the UMOS kiddos were supposed to come, since the week before they were late. Dustin and I then worked on a little bit of stuff, but didn't want to get way in the middle of something and then have the kids come so we didn't do everything we probably could have. The kiddos ended up being over an hour late! We were all a little upset, but what can you do?!
They didn't have as many as last week and they seemed healthier overall, but we were all very conscious of washing our hands to make sure we didn't get sick this week. With all of us helping we were done before noon. Unfortunately the day didn't end there... there was a guest speaker from Phonak (a hearing aid brand) that wanted to talk to us about their HAs hearing aids (I've been doing too much clinic writing lately and its transferring to everywhere else). The only plus about this was that they brought food for us. Oh, and I got a free pen, haha! That lasted from 12:30 until 1:30, then Dustin and I worked on some hearing aid stuff and our write-ups. Actually, I did the write ups while he did the hearing aid stuff and I constantly bugged him about what I should or shouldn't be writing. It was a little difficult because I didn't know what I should or shouldn't include. After that we had a quick meeting with our supervisor and let me tell you... so far I actually don't mind having the particular supervisor that I have, it has been pretty good.
Then it was off to work for the little while that I could work before I had to high tail it home to get Ayden off the bus. The rest of my night... spent relaxing on the couch... ugh I was tired! I even got Jay to go to Arby’s and get me some supper- since it was his night to cook supper and he didn’t want to. Ayden got home from school yesterday and wanted to show me an experiment that they did at school. It involved three marshmallows, a plate, and red, yellow, and blue food coloring. I was hesitant to let him do anything with food coloring, but since he apparently did it in school I let him show me what he learned.
He knew just what to do! They were learning all about colors this week and I guess they took the marshmallows and mixed colors and then ate the marshmallows. Once Ayden got into the blue, well there was no stopping him! He rolled the whole marshmallow in blue then proceeded to pop it into his mouth. Ah, we love food coloring… and the blue fingers he still has today because of it, haha! It was too cute though so I had to take some pictures!
Ayden decided that he wanted to sleep in his ‘tent’ the last two nights and I had no qualms with that. He slept really well and had fun doing it… and it was in his room so I saw no problem with it (or the picture opportunity that it presented)!I know that it has been super warm out lately, but while I was at Walmart the other day I came upon the cutest hat and scarf and since I haven’t gotten a new hat or scarf in a couple of years I thought I’d treat myself to them. They weren’t expensive either and the hat as the softest material on the inside! I can’t wait to wear them in the winter… well I can since I don’t want it to get cold out!
I got my hair cut and colored today and thought I would share some pictures of that as well. I really only got it trimmed and then highlighted with some copper high lights. It is kind of hard to tell in these pictures though because the lighting is kind of harsh on my hair, but I really love it!
Soccer tomorrow morning… and then a weekend of relaxing at home. We might even go to the ice skating rink on Sunday… I haven’t decided yet. One thing I know for certain is that I need to not procrastinate on my reading like I did today. Ugh, I totally just did some laundry and then watched a lifetime movie.
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