Christmas day had us up by 9am (not by choice) and opening presents at Jay’s parent’s house… we all could have slept later (all being, myself, Ayden, and Jay), but I knew we had to be at Jay’s grandparent’s house shortly after 11am and that we needed time to open presents and get ready.
Jay got this beautiful hunting painting/picture to hang in our living room. I’ll have to take a picture of it once we get it home. I had to leave it at his parent’s house because I didn’t have room in my car for it and didn’t want it to break on the way home. Really nice though!
After opening presents there, it was hurry up and get ready to leave. We were at Jay’s grandparents for a couple of hours in which I stayed seated in one car not moving. I love that family to pieces, but there are just SO many of them… it’s almost chaos! I prefer to just sit and people watch… that and I hardly ever see many of them except on occasions where there are a TON of them… and we’ll I’m not an outgoing people person like a lot of them are. It is just overwhelming to me. Ayden was spoiled by his god father there… although because of the ‘family dispute’ the god father duties pretty much include getting Ayden a birthday and Christmas present, which is kind of regrettable, but oh well… I’m not a part of that dispute.
And then after spending our allotted time there, we headed off to my mom’s husband’s parent’s house for Christmas there. It was just us, my mom, Jim, my brother, sister, and Jim’s parents. We did gifts there, had supper, played a little bit and then had to head out because Jay needed to head back home to work and didn’t want to get home too late. Another day down… another busy day, lol!
Saturday, it was off to my dad’s house! My sister and I took Ayden and Alexis sledding! It was lots of fun, however lots of work having to walk up the hill as well! We had tubes and so the ride down the hill was pretty smooth! We all escaped injury free which was nice! Ayden obtained a small scratch on his chin, but nothing to fret about! After that, we went to Mickey D’s for lunch and then back to my dad’s for presents.
Ayden got this neat gun game from my dad and Wendy. I’m not so sure about the whole gun thing, but its a hunting game and he really likes it so who am I to complain. With Jay being the hunter that he is, it was bound to come around sooner or later.
Grandpa is trying out the game… getting himself some deer and bear! Ayden cheats and goes a lot closer to get them!
My dad’s dog… Hunter! Poor thing is tethered too the kitchen most of the time he is in the house! Ah, but very pretty, isn’t he?!
Is this not one of the cutest pictures you’ve ever seen?! Love it! Hopefully they stay this close as they grow up as well!
Saturday night I went out bowling with my friend Victoria and her brother and her brother’s girlfriend. I hadn’t been bowling in YEARS (well, if you don’t count the Wii), but it was good to get out and spend some time with my friend. We all pretty much sucked, but I did manage to score over 100 on my last game, didn’t think I would at first, but slowly got better… lets pretend that over 100 is a halfway decent score, okay?! Okay, hehe!
Ayden didn’t want to sleep over night at my dad’s house with Alexis that night so we headed back to Jay’s parents for one last night and then packed up Sunday morning before heading off to my dad’s parent’s house for our last Christmas gathering. Numero ocho!
We had lots of fun at my grandparent’s house and Ayden pretty much left my side the moment we walked in the door because his buddy Mitchell was already there. I was fine with that because it left me some time to catch up with my family. My dad’s family size will be very similar to Jay’s dad’s family in about 20 years… most of the cousin’s are still pretty young, but there are 9 aunts and uncles and so it is already pretty big. Just less chaos right now!
Here is my cousin Brandon… he had lots of fun opening the gifts my dad got home (since my dad is his god father). I think he liked the paper and bows the best though!
Here are Rosie and Kimberly… they really didn’t want me to take their picture, but obliged after the first one I took didn’t turn out and they didn’t want a bad one, haha! They are growing up SO FAST!
We did a white elephant gift exchange after all of the presents were open. It was hilarious to see the stuff people brought that they didn’t want at their houses anymore and all of the stealing that went on! There was a pizza pizazz, a chemistry set, a diaper, thermos, small pet carrier, etc… crazy fun!
And after all of that fun, we still had to head home and open gifts at our house! The drive home was great! The roads were fine and the traffic not super busy and I managed to get almost all the way home before it got dark out which was the plan! It was great to just get in the house and relax!
Today I went to work for a little while and then we did a little bit of shopping. We needed to get a few groceries, stop at the bank, and then bought a few other things. Jay got some new work boots since his were really bad, Ayden got the maximus bakugan thing he really wanted for Christmas but didn’t get, and I got my new photo printer since mine broke just last week. The rest of the day was spent playing and cleaning. I did some laundry, put all the gifts under the tree (despite the fact that I want to take it down and put everything away), and relaxed.
We also got our ornaments for the upcoming ornament exchange next weekend, however I then found out that Jay has to ref a wrestling tournament next weekend and thus we most likely will not be going. I might have gone alone, had it been somewhere I know, however it is in Madison this year and I will not drive there by myself. Not to mention that it’s winter and I don’t want to drive home in the dark which would happen since the party doesn’t start until 1ish… and two hours there really isn’t enough, since I’d have to leave by 3pm to even get halfway home without it getting dark.
Jay suggested I drive to his parents and go with them… well that means an extra hour and a half in the car, and or going to their house the night before, sleeping over, and then most likely sleeping over the party night as well since we would most likely get home late and I wouldn’t want to drive back to Point after already spending four hours in the car that day. And really… I don’t want to spend two nights at their house for a party that really isn’t that important to me.
Not that I don’t want to see that part of his family because I do (haven’t seen them in a while), but not THAT bad… so Ayden and I will most likely not be going, unless something else comes up. But kind of sucks because now we have three ornaments that we don’t need. I suppose we could always save them for next year or put them on our tree, it’s not like they were expensive or anything.
I need to order my textbooks yet, but I have about two weeks to do that… time to relax for the night!
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