…a WISCONSIN Christmas! And I say Wisconsin because if I just said Christmas, people could be all like, well Christmas here doesn’t look like that, hehe!
(Written Tuesday) The snow is coming! It hasn't quite started yet, but it is definitely on its way! They are predicting a good 6-10 inches, maybe even a foot! For the first snow of the season... THAT SUCKS! I'll deal with the snow, I live in Wisconsin for crying out loud, I really don't have any choice. Every winter I deal with the snow, but that doesn't mean I can't whine a little bit about it, does it? Hehe! What I really hate is driving in it and I only drive city streets! Sometimes I think that is a little dangerous than those deserted country roads. Definitely not more dangerous than speeding down the interstate at 60 or 70 mph, but city roads are not always the cleanest and people drive STUPID in the winter. And since we haven't had any snow yet, people haven't become accustom to driving the snow and haven't put their winter thinking hats on in regards to driving and me... I'm just extra cautious because I really don't want to end up in an accident and they save sometimes the overly cautious people are bad at causing accidents as well.
So... I'm ready for the snow, as ready as someone who doesn't like it can be. I'm prepared to have to drive in it tomorrow morning if NEED be, but I'm kind of hoping that I don't have to. I'm thinking, more likely than not, school for Ayden will be cancelled since we are still supposed to be getting high amounts of snow in the morning hours. That is fine since he is signed up for the snow days program through the Y. Its just the fact of driving him across town to get there. I have class from 8am-noon tomorrow, and then a final from 2:30-4:30. My 8am class is simply a review hour which could be postponed until Friday if need be during our lab time. My 9am and 10:20am classes are the last class period for those. My 9am class is our presentation time. Given that Madison is supposed to get hit worse than us, there is an even bigger chance that that class may be cancelled. I'd have no problem with that seeing we wouldn't have to do our presentations then and they can't really reschedule our class. My 10:20am class is also a review session, a review session for the final I have later than afternoon. I'd really really really love that review session because I know it will help for the test we are taking. It is my hope that if we don't have a review session, he might send us some review questions to look over and our final might be post-poned until Thursday or Friday. I mean, I'd love to get it done tomorrow, but if the weather is really that bad, I don't want to be going out and driving in it. I'd rather be going out and playing in it!
(Wednesday night now!) I didn’t get a chance to finish this yesterday as was my plan. I got home last night and ended up being preoccupied with a few other things and then didn’t get to bed until way later than I wanted and then had to get up way earlier than I wanted to as well.
This week was supposed to be all planned out, but as we all know, our best laid plans always go awry!
On Monday, Jay and I got a super good surprise from Alltel! Originally we were not supposed to be able to upgrade our phones until April. Jay called a while back to see if we could upgrade for cheap if we changed our plan to the smartphone plan. As it turned out, if we chose to do that, at this time we would only be able to upgrade one phone. I told Jay he couldn’t upgrade if I wasn’t able to. I know, I’m so nice, right? Well, I thought it was only fair. So we were resigned until waiting for April… I mean it really isn’t THAT far away.
So, we get the mail Monday and have a flyer from Alltel. I’m all about to throw it out without even opening it because I reckoned it was junk mail like we normally get. Turns out it was their Christmas gift to us (and probably lots others) that we could upgrade our phones NOW for the cheap price and no upgrade costs! How sweet is that? And it had both of our numbers on! The first Alltel store we went to wouldn’t go both of ours because they weren’t a ‘corporate’ store, so we went to a different one it town that was and they were able to. I was all set to get the LG Touch because I really wanted a touch screen. I think they are the coolest things… and then I tried using it. I still think the touch screen part is pretty cool, but as far the QWERTY touch keyboard, not working so well for me…
…so instead we both went with the BlackBerry Curve. I got the red color and Jay got the black and we also upgraded our plan to the smartphone plan, which is only costing us about $20 more per month which I thought was worth it. Jay really wanted it so he could check the weather on his phone (mostly the radar) while at work, and I wanted Facebook on the go! And let me tell you friends… I’m addicted already! Having my email right on hand at any moment and Facebook as well… hmm… maybe this wasn’t such a good idea! Lol! Meet my newest friend!
And so, the snow storm hit like the dickens last night! We got more snow than I know what to do with! Jay has been working since 2am (it is now 6:45pm) plowing. He should be home soon, but then will eat, sleep, and go back out probably around 2 or 3am again to make sure everything is good for the next day. Apparently we are supposed to get another inch or so tonight? I haven’t really watched the weather at all.
As predicted, Ayden didn’t have school today and after consulting with my plowing fiancé, he said to stay home and stay off the roads. Also, the plows didn’t go past until almost a half hour after I would have left to go to school anyways. And… it turned out that the campus was closed down anyways, but the email didn’t go out until after I would have gotten to school. Ugh, the timing of some people, lol!
I emailed my professors and so forth that I wasn’t coming in at like 5:30am when I got up and got ready for the day. I should have called Jay before I showered and then went back to bed, but I didn’t. Oh well! Ayden and I spent the day at home and played in the snow TWICE! We went out for an hour and a half in the morning and then another hour and half in the afternoon and it was SO much fun! It got a little windier this afternoon, but we both will sleep well tonight! Enjoy some pictures that I took while we were outside! And just look at all of that snow! Yesterday we could still see the GREEN grass!
Here Ayden is standing ON TOP of the pile that is in the last picture!
See that pile to the right of Ayden… that is just from OUR half of the driveway. I told Jay that we can’t get anymore snow because he would have no where to plow it… his response? Well, we have the whole other side of the road to push it (although if I recall, he’s told me in the past that that is illegal?!)… oh well… he’ll be doing it, not me!
Because of the closed campuses today (state wide), my final that was supposed to be this afternoon will now be next Wednesday afternoon. Good because I was so not ready for it studying wise, bad because I really wanted to get it over with today and not have to worry about it anymore. Oh well, more study time for me!
Oh… and then… us first years were to meet with a prof of ours for next semester about scheduling our lab time. Turns out his schedule is pretty much PACKED and because of one of our stupid classes, we can’t have the lab during his only open period. What does that leave… a lab possibly on a CLINIC day! We do not have classes on Tuesdays or Thursday because those are clinic days. His only open slot is from 4:30-6:30 on Thursday or 1:30-3:30 on Fridays (which we need to get special permission for because that time is allotted for faculty meetings). If we have the lab on Thursdays, that means whoever has the afternoon clinic slot that day (1-4pm) will get done with clinic, have a half hour, then have a two hour lab. That means they will not get a chance to write their reports until after 6:30pm! I do not want to be THAT person! I would be okay with it if that slot were the rotating slot because then each of us would only have to deal with it 4-5 weeks of the semester and not the whole thing, but I’m really pushing for Friday and so is Amy because she has four kids she needs to take care of after school (although I don’t know why her husband can’t?)… but it’s not my place to ask or wonder about. So, keep your fingers crossed that we can do Friday afternoon and that the Thursday afternoon slot is the rotating slot. I would really like a morning slot again.
Enough school talk… I’m ready for a new episode of Criminal Minds today and then clocking out early since I did so late last night!
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