Tuesday, December 1, 2009


What a sense of relief it is to not have to worry about clinic anymore! I am D.O.N.E!!! I have one report to finish revisions on which isn't too much and because my second year said that she would write up the quick summary for the second patient that I saw today, I don't have to worry about that or the revisions which is even better. One thing and I'm done!

And my eval today... went very well for it being the first one that I did completely without my second years 'help' or sitting in next to me. I didn't have really any trouble with the tymp getting a seal which was my biggest concern. I really think it helped that my patient did not have as big as loss as I originally thought that he/she might which was even better to my benefit. All in all... I think it went very well. I most likely will not receive my grade until Friday since one of the first years has her eval on Thursday which kind of sucks because I would like to know how I did already, but I don't think I failed (B- or lower) or anything so I'm not going to be worrying about it all week, nope! Not me!

So what does that mean for me now? It means I can sit back, relax, and start my book. Well, after I finish my Hearing Science paper/presentation, and finish the two or three questions on my lab that is due Friday. But... the lab will most likely be finished tomorrow night, the paper... can't do anymore on that until my classmates get their parts done. Its fine and dandy that they don't have it done yet as we probably aren't presenting until next Monday or Wednesday, but when we all agreed on having our rough draft done by Monday, come on people. Especially since we had a four day weekend. I found time to get mine done... granted, two of the four days I was home alone, however even if you do have kids, you can work on it at night. I don't know... like I said, it doesn't bother me because I have my part done, but I like things to get done a little bit ahead of time, I'm not a wait to the last minute procrastinator, I'm a wait until the last day or two procrastinator and that is only sometimes, ha! Usually, I have things done a while before they are due, not overwhelmingly so.

I think it is because I know that I have other things going on at home that I try to make the best use of my time while on campus. For me it is no big deal to skip lunch and have a meeting right away versus going to get something to eat and then having a meeting. Because my time on campus is limited due to Ayden's schedule (although a little less limited this year than previous since Ayden started school), it is still limited so I like to get everything done that I HAVE to as soon as I can versus just putzing around about it. My motto, just get it done and over with... why wait?! Although, I do have those instances where there is something that I really don't want to do and then I put it off, but everyone has those kinds of things as well.

Oh... I have another small presentation on Thursday that I need to keep reminding myself about otherwise I will totally forget about it. I need to make some copies, but other than that, everything is pretty much just copy it to the dry erase board when the teachers say to and sit and be quiet while the other students answer the questions. Works for me and hopefully it will be a short clinic meeting on Thursday morning and then work for a little while and on my way home! Yeah! Sounds like a good plan to me! Sounds like a great plan to me... that and the fact that we probably don't have lab tomorrow afternoon either so it will make for a shorter day as well. Ayden also only has a half day of school tomorrow so we will have the bulk of the afternoon to hang out together and with Jay's work schedule being pretty close to nil (who am I kidding... it is nil... they are begging for snow at this point since they have all their fall clean ups done) we can all hang out together! Yeah! Or maybe I should be wishing for snow so Jay can get out and make some money? Maybe in a week or after finals... I enjoy having him home right now!

I think I might have jinxed myself today by telling my classmates that Ayden was sick last year during finals week and that I was hoping he didn’t get sick this year. I even knocked on wood, but apparently it was fake wood and I didn’t knock hard enough because the poor kid got off the bus this afternoon pretty slowly and didn’t run up to me like normal. Instead he was looked pretty tired and wasn’t very enthusiastic about going shopping for some groceries. I asked him up and down how he felt and he said that he was just tired. Well, we had to get some groceries, but made it quick. Ayden fell asleep on the way to the store which was fine. He looked pretty tired and I could tell by the way that he was sleeping in the car that he was getting a cold. His breathing was a little heavier than normal and he was starting to sound congested. While we were shopping he started to complain that his head hurt and that he wanted to go home. We hightailed it out of the store (we were pretty much done anyways) and came home. He plopped down on the couch and has been there for about the last 45 minutes… he just fell asleep… it is about 6:15pm.

I checked his temperature and he had a slight temp so I gave him some medicine for that and the start of his cold symptoms (well not two different medicines, but one that would cover both). He hasn’t eaten supper yet and I’ve asked him many times if he was hungry. His answer… no. So now here’s my dilemma… do I wake him up and make him eat something and then let him go to bed for the rest of the night, do I let him sleep for a little while and then wake him up to eat something, or do I just let him sleep until he wakes up and is hungry which for all I know could be at 3am in the morning and he could be wide awake. I think I’ll let him sleep for a little while and see if closer to 7 or 8 he is hungry. He looks so peaceful sleeping, even if he sounds horrible stuffed up!

Given he had a temp tonight I really shouldn’t send him to school tomorrow, but if he is feeling better in the morning and has no temp when he wake (since he’ll be unmedicated by then unless he has a really bad night) he’ll be going. If he isn’t feeling any better then I’ll be staying home from my 8am class and Jay will go to his since he has a quiz in it. In my class we aren't learning anything too important and I will have to miss probably half of my second class since Jay’s class goes until 9:15am and mine starts at 9am, but I won’t mind missing that one since it is so boring to begin with.

Off to find something for myself to eat for supper… bowl of cereal is sounding kind of good… do I go Frosted Flakes or Lucky Charms?!