Monday, December 21, 2009

That doesn’t look so good!

So, I told you when I went and got my tragus pierced… and I’m pretty sure it’s not healing like it should be. I’m pretty sure it isn’t infected, as it doesn’t hurt (unless I get it caught when I pulling off a shirt and it pulls on it a bit, but that’s with any piercing), it isn’t red, and it isn’t draining, oozing, or whatever. I can play with it and move the ring around and it doesn’t hurt. However, there are these blister like things formed on the front and back side of my tragus around the piercing. The only on the front side is not very large and probably not noticeable unless you were looking for it, but the only behind the tragus has gotten much larger since the last time I looked. Once again, not something you would notice, unless you were sitting looking at the side of my head and pretty much into my ear.

Part of me wants to take a pin and try and pop it, however trying to see it holding a mirror and having enough light is hard enough, so that is pretty much out of the question and I know that Jay wouldn’t do it. Part of me wants to just leave it alone so it doesn’t get infected.

I showed Jay, and as I suspected, he was thoroughly icked out by it (seriously it doesn’t look THAT bad), but I’m a ear girl, so this sort of stuff doesn’t bother me. He said I should go to the doctor to get it checked out.

Part of me thinks I should, but I don’t want to make a big deal out of nothing. He said I should also maybe go back to the place that pierced it, but I don’t think they would be able to do anything for me, other than say I probably didn’t take care of it right and should go to the doctor. I think I’m going to see what happens in the next week or so and if it doesn’t get any better, go to the doctor and see if they can do something (other than taking the piercing out and letting it grow shut).

It looks like the one on the front is going down and so thought things would be fine, until I looked at the back one. Hmm… like I said, don’t think it is infected because it isn’t presenting with any normal signs, like pain, drainage, redness, just look like blisters… interesting to me, probably TMI to you, but oh well.

I can sleep on that ear, talk on the phone, wear head phones, etc… so I’m hoping its really not that big of a deal and the bumps go down within the next week or so. I know that one of my friends had her tragus pierced and she had to take it out because it wasn’t healing correctly, hope that this isn’t me too! Boo!

In other news… I cleaned the basement this afternoon with the help of Ayden and Jay. Looks good now! Also got the laundry done and Ayden’s clothes packed. Slowly moving closer to going home and looks like the weather is going to be in my favor Wednesday night! At least I have that to look forward too!

A new paranormal state is on tonight! Until then, I am going to get Ayden some ice cream for dessert, pack some of my clothes, and try not to worry about my ear. Be thankful I didn’t try taking pictures, haha! Just kidding, as much as I love ears (and their abnormalities), I wouldn’t subject you to something like that, or would I? You should see the chunk of ear wax Ayden has in his ear (that I SO badly want to get out)… it looks like a purple gusher (you know, the fruit snack thing), seriously it does! Now doesn’t that sound appetizing! He’s had it in his ear since before his birthday since his doctor said something about it when she checked his ears at his well child check up. At that time she could see his ear drum, but shortly there after when I brought him into the clinic on campus to look for myself, I couldn’t! Oh so I wish I could dig in there and just extract it… but he doesn’t like me digging in his ears, trust me, I’ve tried! Maybe after I learn irrigation this coming semester (or summer, can’t remember when we learn it)… lol!

Okay, enough ear talk!