Ayden and I had a great weekend while Jay was in Minnesota hunting and going to a Brewer's game with his loverboy JT. Don't tell him that I wrote that, he doesn't like me calling JT his loverboy, hehe! They had a good time though and Jay even came out $7 ahead at the casino which I thought was pretty good, considering it could have been the other way around.
We had quite the busy day on Saturday. Soccer game, pictures, then birthday party! We were all over the place, but it turned out to be a great day! Soccer went well. Ayden teams won, although according to his coach 'We don't keep score, we just play for fun!', lol! Tell me what parent doesn't keep track of the score?! Anyways, it doesn't really matter if he won or lost, I go to watch him play and did fairly well. He got a few good kicks in. He's definitely a better defensive player than offensive. He gets very timid being on offensive and doesn't go for the ball like I think he should. This coming Saturday will be his last game. I hope he can get in there a little more and maybe score a goal! He did great as goalie this week and didn't let the other team score at all! Go Ayden!After that we headed towards Winneconne where my friend's carnival was set up so I could take some senior pictures of her brother for her. I got some pretty good shots and was excited to get home and edit them! He was a good sport too! He's almost like a younger brother to me. My friend's family and I are really close! By the time we were done the rides and games were open so Ayden and I played a few games and rode a few rides before heading to our next location... Jay's cousin's birthday party!
The little dude that the party was for had just turned two! He is the cutest little thing and SO social! And he has the cutest red hair!!! Ayden had a GREAT time at the party because there were other little kids there to play with. He got to play some baseball for a while and then later in the afternoon some of the big guys took on the little guys in a kick ball game! It was so great to see the big guys out there playing with the little guys! Ayden had the best time! We ended up leaving around 7:30pm, just as they were getting the fire started. I would have liked to stay longer and I know that Ayden would have too, but we had over an hour drive home and I knew he would be zonked ten minutes into the ride, or so I thought!
That child of mine... who didn't sit down for the ENTIRE afternoon, stayed awake the WHOLE ride home! It was a miracle, lol! He almost fell asleep a few times, but didn't. I was shocked! I thought for sure that he would be out like a light! No-siree! It was good though because then he was up and awake to take a shower when we got home because he was one sweaty mess!
Sunday was a lazy day for us. The weather was hot (and even hotter today) and neither Ayden nor I wanted to do a whole lot. I kept asking Ayden if he wanted to go to the beach or outside to play, but he's recently become really scared of the bugs and bees outside. And in this warm weather, you are not going to get away from them. He freaks out anytime he sees a bee! Oops, have I passed that on to my son?! I doubt it because even though I am slightly afraid of them, I am no longer terrified of them. I don't like them in my house or having to kill them, however I don't think I've showed Ayden the fear he is expressing for them right now, or at least I hope not. Hopefully it gets a little better!
I’m so enjoying not having class right now and being able to come home and just relax in the afternoon while Ayden is finishing is day up at school. I know that I will be looking forward to the beginning of the summer session because it will keep me a little busier, although I really don’t want the summer to fly by and somehow even though it hasn’t really even started yet, it feels like it is almost over. Is that possible?!
I’ve been sitting outside and reading a lot lately. My cousin Amanda has lent me her Karen Kingsbury books and they are SO good! I love that the majority of them are about the same family. I’ve read two or three of them out of order before she lent me them, but I’ve started with the first set now and I can’t put them down! I feel very connected to these fictional characters and can’t wait to see how things play out for them. (Although I sort of already know some of how things play out from the other books that I’ve read, I’m looking forward to seeing how it ended up working out to the way that it did.)
And… I can’t believe that its only a little over a month before the third Twilight movie (Eclipse) comes out in theaters. I’m looking forward to it because Eclipse was a very good book, however I most likely won’t see the midnight showing. Probably a week or so later. The bummer part is that they aren’t shooting the last movie until this fall which means it won’t come out until at least next summer and there is talk that it will be split into two movies. That would extremely suck! But I guess I don’t have any say in it, lol!
i'm so glad you're enjoying the books! even though you read some already, isn't so fun to get the 'full' back story? i totally love her books!! AND they're making a movie or tv show based on the family!! i 'like' karen kingsbury on facebook and found that out!
we are busy friday, so it wouldn't work to get together for a play date. sorry! for some reason i thought the party was on saturday! good thing i double checked. we'll be home saturday if you wanted to get together or meet at mcd's for lunch. whatever works! or we can just chat at the party. i'm assuming we'll be there. :0)
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