Monday, May 10, 2010

Snow in May… it DOES happen!

We had inches of snow on the ground the other night! Snow in May! Can we all say blech?! How disappointed was I to look outside this past Saturday morning and see snow covering the ground… very! Definitely sucked! Oh and I definitely have pictures of it, however, I’m too lazy to upload them right now. I’m currently sitting at the kitchen table surrounded by school papers and wrapped in my heating blanket. I’m freezing!

I just finished with my ABR online final exam and I’m just hoping that I pass the class. I didn’t think that the exam was overly hard, but there were a few questions on it that definitely tripped me up a little bit and I don’t think that we really talked about them in class either. I had until midnight Thursday night to take the exam, but I wanted to get it out of the way right away and I did. We were given two hours to take the exam and I finished in an hour and 20 minutes… not too bad considering it was only seven questions.

Last week was our last week of classes and I’m so glad to be done, however I was on campus a LOT longer than I had wanted to be today. On Friday we were in Madison listening to capstone presentations all day and they went well. Pretty boring for the majority of the day, however it definitely beat sitting in class all day and we got some yummy free food!

Soccer was cancelled on Saturday due to the snow, total bummer, or NOT since it meant that I got to sleep in. We left for my mom’s house just before 10am and got there just in time to help start lunch. My sister and I gave her the Mother’s Day gift that we had made. I’ll have to see if I can attach it somehow, but right now, you guessed it, too lazy. It’s pretty cute and hilarious too! We spent some of the afternoon there before heading over to Jay’s parent’s house.

Ayden and chilled out there while everyone else went to church for Steven’s confirmation. Afterwards a bunch of people came over, we had supper, and then I left to come back to Point with the intent of getting my take home test done on Sunday. Oh… and getting to sleep in my bed all ALONE on Saturday night. What a great Mother’s Day gift, lol!

Yes, I do enjoy sleeping in my bed alone and I slept SO great Saturday night and even got to sleep in on Sunday morning which hasn’t happened in a LONG time! Of course, I shouldn’t complain because some parents never get to sleep in, even on a rare occasion. Speaking of Mother’s Day (of which I didn’t mind spending alone getting homework done and soaking up some Lifetime), Jay and Ayden surprised me with a new lens for my camera. I was very surprised and excited! It is a zoom lens, not a mega zoom one, but one that will work for trips to the zoo, one that I can use for zooming in on Ayden when he plays soccer now. I’m excited to get to use it at his next game.

So today I went out and bought some Kiss Everlasting fake nails and let me tell you, they do not disappoint. I’ve only ever gotten my nails professionally done once and I will never do it again. First, it was expensive, and secondly, I didn’t have them professionally removed and it took over six months for my regular nails to grow back and I hated that. My regular nails have been very brittle and crappy for the past couple of months. I’m sure that means that I’m not as healthy as I should be in some form or another, right?! Lol… anyways, because of that I keep them cut pretty short. But I’ve been seeing these nails on TV and wanted to try them out.

I’ve tried fake store bought nails many years ago and did not have very good success with them. Don’t know if it was the brand or what, but wasn’t going to try that again either. This time, I couldn’t resist though. And let me say, wow, total surprise, definitely not a wasted $5! At quick glance, you can’t even tell that they are fake nails! Even at a longer than quick glance. Actually, only the thumb nails look like they have a fake nail glued onto them and it isn’t even overly evident. They feel kind of weird, but I remember that from the time I had them professionally done. I also got the short kind because I am used to my nails being short and they look good. I’m excited to have ‘cute’ looking nails for once, lol!

So, I’m taking some family pictures for a friend this weekend. This is a friend who I haven’t taken pictures for yet. Another friend of ours will be there too. Well, I was just asked by this second friend if I would be able to give the first friend the pictures the same day as I took them. Said second friend and first friend are a little closer than me and first friend and said first friend asked second friend to ask me. Confused yet, lol! Anyways, although I’m not in business, not getting paid for any pictures I take, I normally don’t give any pictures to people that I take some for until I’ve edited them. I’ve taken pictures for another friend twice now and I’ve edited the pictures and then sent them to her along with the originals that I liked good enough to keep.

I’m rather hesitant to give this friend her pictures before editing them. I know I can take at least halfway decent pictures, but its the editing that ‘fixes’ them and makes them look more than just someone was taking a snap shot. I like editing the pictures I take and then showing the people that I took them for because I know they look better than the originals. I don’t want my friend to be disappointed because they are not perfect out of the camera. Secondly, I don’t want to her have them before I edit them because then she will have free reign to put up the unedited ones on facebook. Now, she has every right to do what she wants with the pictures, I don’t care, just so long as she doesn’t take credit for them. However, the credit will go to me and I don’t want people seeing unedited pictures of mine and thinking she’s not all that good.

No, I should not care what other people think. Yes, by putting mostly edited pictures up on facebook I am giving people an unrealistic expectation of what my skills are, but yes, I do say that the majority of my pictures are edited in some way. I don’t know… I guess it just bugs me because its like editing is the fun part for me, well I have fun taking the pictures too, and if she wants the pictures right away, then the fun part is sort of sucked out because I can’t take what I have in camera and create something really great for her because she’ll already have seen the pictures. Oh booger! UGH! What to do? What to do?