Thursday, May 27, 2010


I got the movie Dear John yesterday. It was supposed to be pretty good. I was fairly certain that I had read the before, maybe even had it, but couldn't pass up the movie. I mean the commercials said it was an 'instant date night classic'... who could pass that up?! Jay I'm sure, hehe!

I was not very impressed. Sure, it had to follow the book for the most part and I'm not even sure if it did that very well since I only think I read the book before. But, really... I didn't think it was all that great. Not even that sad at the end. Oh well, it was still worth getting and I will definitely watch it again. One movie that I will be for sure getting when it comes out on DVD is Remember Me because that one was really good.

Its nice now that there are blue-ray players out because it makes DVDs that much cheaper. We don't have a blue-ray player and don't intend on getting one anytime soon. Probably because I don't really know all that much about them, they are expensive, and our DVD player is working just fine for us right now.

I was cleaning the office the other day, well the little alcove we have designated as an office area, and as I was doing that, I realized that Jay and I are big techie people. Like I didn't already know this! Okay, so I did, but not the extent that we really are. Actually, I just realized that we have A LOT of stuff! Tons 'litter' the entire basement! It's pretty crazy! And the crazier part is that Ayden doesn't even play with half of them! We spend the majority of our time upstairs and we don't keep a lot, if any toys upstairs, thus most of them don't get played with. I'm hoping that we start spending more time downstairs this summer with the warmer weather. We'll see!

Ayden asked me the other night if we could live in our current place forever. He must really like it! We're 'stuck' there for at least the next two years. Our landlords said that they wouldn't raise the rent on us if we signed our next lease for two years instead of one. It actually worked out kind of perfect because at the end of the next two years, I will be done with my schooling and ready for my externship so we will be able to leave and go where ever that will be if needed. If we indeed need to move some place for it.

Another busy weekend ahead for us! Ayden's last soccer game on Saturday morning, although this one is later which means we get to sleep in and then headed back 'home'! This will be the first time I'm sleeping at Jay's house in probably two months! It's been quite a while since I've stayed over night, but that's okay. Ayden and I are going to help my mom plant some flowers and then he is spending the night there while Jay and I go to a wedding reception. On Sunday we have Jay's graduation/his parent's 25th wedding anniversary party and on Monday is recoup day. I'd love to go out on the boat on Monday if Jay's parents had it ready, but I'm not going to say anything since they will be really busy with the party all day Saturday and Sunday and don't want them to have to be busy getting the boat ready too. But who knows, maybe they already have it ready and the weather will be nice and we could go out on it, hehe!

Tomorrow is a mandatory furlough day at work and although I'm not an actual employee of my work (but rather a student employee), I don't have to mandatorily take it. However, since no one else will be in which means the doors will be locked, I get the day off too. And guess what!? The weather is supposed to be fabulous again tomorrow which means lots of 'catching some rays' while reading!