Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Taking a hesitant deep breath…

Last day of class for the semester today and it all went pretty well, surprisingly enough. Go figure, right?! I was on campus by 7am and class didn’t start until 9am. Why? Because during my 9am class we had our final exam and the amount of studying that I had one the night before was just a little more than nil. The two extra hours of studying I got in before the test are was solidified the ease with which I flew through the test with. Overall, I was really happy with the test, mostly because every question on it came from the study guide exactly. The first two questions kind of threw me because I was under the impression we would be able to chose the mini-conference labs we wanted to write about, and then she had those chosen already for us. I wrote what I could for it though. The whole test was A LOT of writing, but I felt pretty good when I turned it in and am not worried about my grade in that class at all anymore.

My second class went kind of slow, but I made it through it just fine. Glad to have it done with. That class has a take home final which is super long, but I just finished reading through the test and it doesn’t seem too hard. I’m thinking it will take about two hours or so for me to get the whole thing written up, but that is okay. Much better than having to study for it and worry about getting a good grade. This is one of those classes where I know the professor wants us to learn the material versus worry about getting a good grade in the class. She said we can even ask her questions about the test, just so long as she doesn’t give us the answer. She is VERY accommodating which is great.

Speaking of exams… I had my overall hearing evaluation practical exam yesterday and it went GREAT! I by no means did perfect, because there is always stuff that I can do better with, no one is perfect, but I think I did really well. I’ll be happy with anything A- or better, definitely don’t think I deserve anything lower than an A-. In any case, I was anticipating being A LOT more nervous with all three supervisors in the room with me watching every move that I was making, however I was SO calm and laid back and just went through the eval as I would with any other patient.

I was one of my classmate’s ‘patient’ for her practical and she did so great right up until the end where she totally flubbed up one part of it. I was sitting in the sound booth feeling so horrible for her because I knew what she was supposed to be doing and she wasn’t doing it. About halfway through that portion of the test she realized that she had messed up. I think she was just super nervous about it because she does it fine during regular clinic evals every week. She’s really worried that she is going to have to do it over. I don’t know if she will or not, but I still feel bad for her because I know she can do it, we practiced it together. It will all work out as it should!

After her practical, we had our big written exam for being a first year grad student and I was SO miffed to find that almost the entire test had to do with stuff that we don’t regularly do during clinic stuff. Thankfully, we were warned ahead of time by the second years that it would so we were mostly prepared, but some questions still got me. This test we keep retaking until we pass. I’m relatively certain I passed the first time, however won’t be too surprised if I had to retake it. I’d like to not have to do that, however you can only get like 6-8 questions wrong before having to retake it and there were at least that many that I wasn’t too confident on when it came to the answers that I was writing down. So yeah…

Anyways, my last class of the day, which is like my least favorite class of the semester because it is almost two hours long and it has been super boring all semester went a LOT faster today than I think all semester. It was actually halfway decent too and I liked the way the professor organized the material and I think I got the most of this class than many of them throughout the semester. I was happy with that and then headed to pick Ayden up from school.

We came home and practiced his soccer some and then had supper. After supper I ran off to Kohls because I had $10 in Kohls cash that was going to expire today along with a 15% coupon, I mean who could pass that up?! So off I went and when I found this tee shirt I couldn’t pass it up! I mean, it is SO me, right?! Take a look for yourself!Hybrid Camera Girl TeeYeah, I thought so! Other than the fact that my hair isn’t blond or long enough to put up in a ponytail like that, I’m always behind the camera, so I definitely thought it was fitting, hehe! I’m totally wearing it this weekend! I’d wear it tomorrow, however, since I am such a dedicated student, I am accompanying my classmate tomorrow afternoon for her clinic slot where she will doing an ABR on a newborn. I wouldn’t be doing it, but first, it’s a baby, who can pass up seeing a newborn? And second, its with a supervisor who I haven’t seen do an ABR before, and thirdly, I definitely need the practice for my ABR practical coming up in two weeks, so all in all, it will be a good thing since it won’t take but maybe an hour a half to two hours and I don’t have anything else really scheduled for the day other than maybe starting my take home test and working for a little bit.

And then ALL day Friday… I’ll be in good ole Madtown listening to capstone presentations. I’m kind of looking forward to it, but also, I’m just ready for this week to be over with! More so, the semester… although soon enough!