Thursday, May 13, 2010

Hooked on Phonics

We bought Hooked on Phonics for Ayden a couple of months ago… actually I think it was more than a couple of months ago, but at that point he was NO where near learning how to read. However, it was on sale, and my mom had said it worked for my brother WAY back when, and I figured Ayden would be behind in the reading department with his articulation errors. I was right. His teacher hasn’t flat out said he is behind in anything, more in the middle of the pack, but I know that the majority of kindergarteners know more site words than him and with summer approaching and the fact that having 20 some kids in his class isn’t going to win him any one on one attention from his teacher in that department, I thought now would be a good time to start working on it with him. He could get the one on one attention from me, especially since I’m done with school for the next couple of weeks.

That, and the fact that compared to when we first got the reading system, he didn’t know all of the sounds the letters made and would get so easily frustrated, I thought now would be a good time to start. I know that they do some phonics stuff at school, but not a lot, at least not a lot that I have seen so far.

Side note: we definitely don’t have the resources to homeschool Ayden, not that I could ever do it because I just know that it isn’t in me to, I do find one downfall to him going to a public (or private school) is the fact that the class sizes are so big and I don’t think the kids get the one on one attention that some of them need. Thus, the ones who are bound to excel, don’t get that opportunity, and the ones that need that extra help are often lagging behind. The classroom is geared towards the average students. Okay, so this may not be the exact case, but I think you get my point. And that is exactly what it is, MY point. You may have a different view, but that’s what is okay about it, everyone is allowed their own view. Okay, totally off topic.

Anyways, because of Ayden’s IEP, I don’t fear that he will get left behind. His SLP is keeping a good eye on his speech and language and because of the IEP, his teacher also knows he has some difficulties and is bound to watch him a little closer. But all of that doesn’t mean he won’t benefit from some extra work with mom at home because after all, parents are the best teachers, right?

So, last night I dug out the Hooked on Phonics stuff and we started at it. Ayden did really well for the little bit that we worked at it. It starts off with short ‘a’ stuff and so far he is doing well. He still gets frustrated really easily, but we are working on that. I’m doing my best to stay extremely calm while we are working on it and encouraging him the entire time. He tends to just guess at the word when he gets frustrated and we are working at looking at each letter and sounding it out instead of just guessing. We worked on it again today after he got home from school and he did good. He’s good for about 10 minutes before his attention starts to wander and then he gets really frustrated, but I don’t blame him because he is at school all day and they do some learning there, lol, even in kindergarten.

We’ll continue with this, and see how it progresses. I don’t want him to not like learning to read, however, I think he needs a little extra help too. Maybe its just the mommy instinct in me, don’t know.

All of that, and this is definitely information that doesn’t leave here, lol, but I’m ready for school to start again. Okay, maybe just not yet, but I need something to do. I like having a purpose, and if that’s not going to class every day or clinic, it is teaching the little dude. Thus, I can’t wait to graduate (again) and be working everyday. I like having stuff to do. Hehe!



amanda said...

i personally think you'd be a great 'full time' homeschool mom. because really, you do homeschool him, just not ALL the time. since he's been born you've been teaching him!

of course homeschooling is something i'm passionate about, and one of the reasons is the one you stated...i don't want one of my kids to be the one who's so bored because they 'know it all' or the one who gets swept in the crack because they're behind. it's truly stinky that, that happens in the school system.

i've not tried hooked on phonics, but have heard GREAT things about it through other homeschooling moms who've used it to teach their kids to read. isn't it so fun to 'teach' them something and to know you helped them reach that! it's so rewarding, and i'm so glad you get to experience it and take the time to do so. not many people do i don't think.

btw. waaaaaaaaaaaaaay off topic, but now that you're done with school we should talk 'photo business' stuff. my cousin was fine with the offer i made him of the total you told me. lol. so now we'll just have to touch base on stuff. and i think they want some pics now of stuff after the wedding (dinner, and maybe a few of the grand march she said) crazy since she at first didn't 'need' those. whatever. i also found out it's an outside wedding at the same place the reception is at. and that they have you counted in for dinner too. like i said, we will have to talk. :0)

amanda said...

and way off topic...but wowzers long comment! lol